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Running around with the dupatta of her dark purple lehenga slipping from her shoulder, Meera said to herself with an exasperated look on her face: "I'm going to pin this dupatta to my shoulder but before, I'm going to finish checking the preparations, it's Didi's nikkah, everything has to be perfect" she exclaimed with innocent determination.

She was about to go into the kitchen to check that the number of place settings was correct. Her uncle, Imran, and his wife, Hafsa, the two sweetest people in Meera's heart, had decided that they would organise the Nikkah of Zoya, their eldest daughter, in their home, respecting their daughter's choice of a cosy, non-expensive Nikkah, and Meera was very happy with their choice. Their home already held many beautiful memories and now one more was about to be added to it.

In her haste to get into the house, she clumsily bumped into someone, and when she saw her great-aunt Noor's annoyed face, she blamed herself " I could have pushed anyone, but why did it have to be this woman ? " she thought lightly afraide

"Incompetent girl, Your dead parents aren't going to reimburse me for the cost of cleaning my saree if you make it dirty," she said.

Meera's face fell instantly as she heard Noor's nasty words. This woman has never liked Meera since she was a child. When Meera was born, a series of unfortunate events occurred in the lives of those close to her family, and although nothing was connected, Meera's parents, to protect their innocent child from the false accusations of others, wanted to move away from their respective families. They saw Meera as a gift from Allah after battling infertility for 7 years. Alas, on the way to the airport Meera's parents were killed in a car accident and Meera was the only one to survive.

People who already spoke badly of Meera tried to back up their claims that she was a bad omen by using this accident as proof, only it wasn't true, it just said that her parents had to die at that time and not her. Meera was orphaned at the age of five and found herself shaken up in all sorts of ways by her family. Fortunately, her paternal uncle, who was living abroad with his family at the time, heard the news late in the day and rescued the poor little girl from the hands of the demons and brought her up in his family as his own daughter. Meera had accepted them wholeheartedly as her second true family after her parents, but her aunt's well-chosen words, pouring out her hatred, attacked her sensitive heart, and she felt alone, very alone, like an orphan.

"I'm sorry..I..I..didn't mean to..I..just..wanted..to..check..if..everything...
was..ready..for..didi's..nikkah..." she explains, stammering and holding back tears.

Noor had a wicked smirk on her lips when she saw Meera's fragile state, for her Meera was responsible for her divorce, she was a bad omen, and she hated Meera's mother, Rania, even more. Noor was supposed to marry Meera's father, Hassan, but unfortunately, this man had to marry another woman, Rania, who was even more inferior to her. It was a real insult to her and for this reason alone, she hated Rania and even more Meera, who were the fruit of the love of two people who had betrayed her.

"Didi ? My poor Meera, have you forgotten that you have neither father nor mother, let alone brothers and sisters? Your parents unfortunately died without you, perhaps you would have been better off joining them or not going with them, who knows maybe they would have been with you today and you wouldn't be an orphan without them" she said falsely with an air of compassion spitting out her venoms behind her evil smile.

Meera didn't answer, her head dropping, she tried to stay strong, she had promised her Zoya didi not to cry today but another part of her was hurting so much, was she really responsible for the death of her parents ? Maybe, she really was a bad omen, when she arrived at her uncle's shortly afterwards he nearly lost his business but fortunately it was saved.

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