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Zeeshan tossed and turned nonchalantly on the other side of the bed, it was rare for him to be lazy in bed, but with recent events, he was exhausted and had gone back to sleep with Meera just after praying the Fajr.

With his face half buried in his pillow, he watched a familiar figure struggle with his saree.

He lifted his head slightly, his elbow and hand supporting his head, and admired Meera from afar, her long wet hair scattered behind her back, her irritated way of tucking a fussy lock behind her ear that had been bothering her while she tried to finish putting on her saree.

What he liked best was the look on her face, her cheeks puffed out, her eyebrows furrowed, she was literally sulking at her saree. Finally she took the tip and put it inside her skirt.

"Yeahhhhh Taayi would be proud of me!" she exclaimed proudly, clapping her hands like a child.

She started to move but immediately part of her saree came undone and she caught the end before it was all gone. "Ya Allah, I give up" she said, frustrated and about to cry.

She then sat down with a sulky pout on her husband's blue sofa.
Zeeshan, observing everything so far, shook his head in amusement; it looked like his morning was going to be hectic.

"What is it, Meera? "he asked carefully.

"I...I can't wrap this saree, Taayi gave it to me specially for today" she complained sadly, but Zeeshan thought it was simply sweet.

He couldn't leave her alone with her "problem" so he quickly came up with a solution, "Do you want me to go and call My Ammi or Zoya bhabh to help you?"

He was hoping to lighten her mood but Meera shook her head negatively "I wanted to do it like a big girl on my own, Didi was going to tease me again and Aalima Ammi still has to prepare breakfast" she said with a pout.

"Do you want me to help you then? Meera suddenly raised her head in astonishment.

"Can you do it? "she asked in a voice that didn't detract from her astonishment.

Zeeshan nodded as she recalled that memorable moment: at the age of 12, her mother had suddenly woken up with the desire to prepare her two sons for their duties as husbands after an argument with her husband, who had failed to help her dress, so she promised herself to make her two sons useful for their future wives, For a week, Zeeshan and Zahir, to their great dismay, had to take over all the tasks she had given them, including putting on a saree and doing their hair.

He shook his head to chase away the dreadful memories and held out a hand to Meera.

Hesitantly, she took it and when she stood up she couldn't hold her gaze, she wasn't sure what she was doing but she held out the end of her saree which Zeeshan grasped firmly.

He took care to wrap the saree around her without revealing her body in front of him, she wasn't going to be comfortable, he didn't want to violate her privacy. For fifteen minutes, he applied himself to making the folds, he handed the final end to Meera indicating to her with his eyes to put it inside her skirt so that everything did not come off.

Meera took a step backwards and forwards, turning around to check that the saree was intact, Zeeshan thought his work was done when suddenly Meera pounced on him. "THANK YOU ZEESHAN! "she said with her biggest smile, unaware of how close she was to him.

"Bam, Bam" Zeeshan heard his heart beating loudly in his ears as if everything else had disappeared, he felt it, he felt it, this urgent desire to kiss her.

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