time with hawks

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time with hawks

Izuku pov

I was Is honestly surprised how long I was in the hospital, I was honestly fine but for reasons I was not allowed to leave.

Hawks Has been coming a little bit more often and comforting me.

He gave me some new clothes to wear, It was nothing special to say button up blue shirt and shorts.

He gave me some new clothes to wear, It was nothing special to say button up blue shirt and shorts

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These clothes weren't only for the hospital. It was better than being in that robe all day.

It was more comfortable and relaxing as the doctors wouldn't really take care of me but hawks would as he brought me food.

I would have get them for myself. But I wasn't allowed to leave my own room.

It made me sad knowing. I would be treated as a criminal, I mean come on why? How could I possibly have killed my mother especially in the way she ended up as Kai Made it where there was barely anything left of her.

Remembering it made me sick, I'm glad Kai was gone But sad knowing I might join him in prison.

Now I was just in here, I smiled when I saw hawks came in, " Hey, baby bird."

I smiled as that was the nickname he gave me because to him I was like a bird that could not fly.

"HI hawks," I said as I looked down at the bed.

"What's wrong, baby bird?" Hawks ask as I look at him.

I look at him and I teared up, "you really want to I want to know what it is?"

Hawks nodded, "yes, I am worried about you knowing how you've been here."

"Everyone thinks I'm a criminal, I get treated as one by the doctors and nurses, Everyone here is convinced I killed my own mother Despite, it's not true and there's no proof, I watch or died in front of my eyes by the person who kidnapped me, Kai Kill her because I wouldn't go with him willing, He tortured me for who knows how long as I was put into a dark cell, He wanted me to accept him and submit to him, He wanted me as his mate or better yet slave, He forced me against my will to have sex with him And eventually I did accept him. Not because I love him. But because I did not want to be tortured anymore, The only thing that got me to Snap out of it was that poor girl eri, I tried to escape with her but it only got her in trouble and I was forced to watch as she had to be hurt, I would have went back to that. So if I did not agree to start obeying and making kai happy, Then he forced me to fuse with him. In order throw me and I had no say what I could do, All of that happened because I'm quirkless, Everyone hates me because of it and honestly I should have taken katsuki suggestion, Take a Swan dive off the rooftop and maybe in the next life I would have a quirk."

I couldn't believe I actually told someone else.

Hawks pov

I can believe he actually shared with me all that, I know we was talking about. It was that same boy I saw when I first came here.

I wrap my wings around izuku and hug him, " Please don't talk like that baby bird, quirkless or not your life is worth living."

I wipe away his tears as he look at me.

Izuku pov

It truly did mean a lot to me that he said that.

"Thank you. But I don't know how to keep going on, I don't know when I'm gonna be released and when I do I might be put to prison or foster care which that's something I'm not looking forward to at all."

Hawks  tries to come for me, "Don't worry you're not going to be locked up And I'm sure foster care won't be bad."

I shook my head, "Not with everyone thinking I'm a murderer, Especially the way how quirkless people get treated."

" What do you mean?" Hawks ask me.

"I have heard people who were quirkless That were in foster care being treated horribly, Then again, it's not like it was different, I was always bully Ever since I was 4 because I was quirkless and my old friend who use to be a long time ago, However, 1 day he just started hating me and always despise me and always wanted to hurt me. And I had no idea why he's the same one who Told me to take a Swan dive off the route top, he even burnt my notebook."

"Now that you know that is the reason why I will not go into a foster care home, It would be no different than being in prison, I would rather beg on the streets than go there."

I finished up my story as I was Not going to a foster home. And I meant what I said about living on the streets.

Suddenly the door opened up and I was surprised to see Katsuki mother was here.

"Hello izuku, I got some good news to tell you," She said to me as I was wondering. What was the good news?

" I'm adopting you."

To be continued

Now knowing the relationship between both of their Mother's. I honestly thought it would make sense for her to adopt izuku.

But tell me what do you guys think of this. Do you think she should have adopted him or not?

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