An insect collection? (Chapter 2.)

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(finally getting to writing chapter 2-- btw y'all can request stuff! just not lemon/smut because im not *that* good at writing,,)


"So, um, what's up with Kinger..?" You asked suddenly.

"Well... He's not.. Very mentally stable. He's rumored to have been here the longest." Ragatha said, obviously trying to be nice while also honest.

"He's #$%?!^* crazy." Jax butted in with a small chuckle.

"Jax-!" Ragatha exclaimed.
"But.. yeah. He's seen a lot." She said softly. "Why do you ask?"

You thought for a moment. "He seems.... interesting." You said, looking towards his pillow fort.
"Well, I think I'd uhh- Like to get to know him a little better... I guess."

"Let's see if we can drag the crazy chess man out of his fort, hm?" Jax stretched, beginning to walk over to the fort. Ragatha, Pomni, and you follow close behind.

"Kinger. You have a guest." Jax said to the pillow fort, one hand on his hip. A white wooden king piece with sopping ice blue eyes and a purple King's mantle popped out. "Did you mention an insect collection?!" He asked before looking at you. He stayed silent for a good minute before letting out a yelp. "JAX!! Behind you!!" He screamed.

"Calm down, Kinger, it's just [Y/N]. They're the new member." Ragatha explained. "They're not hostile."

You gave a small awkward wave, accompanied by an equally small and awkward smile. "Uhhh- Nice to meet you, Kinger." You put out a hand.

".. Oh. Nice to meet you too." He said, his piercing eyes staring right through you. It made you shudder. He looked terrified of you, in all honesty. You then realized, while you were thinking about his googly eyes, there was a long-ish awkward silence.

"I hope we can be friends..!" You said, trying to break the silence.

He slithered back into his fortress silently, and you all just looked at each other, a little confused. 
"Well, there you go." Pomni said simply, giving a small shrug.

"Now that you two have been acquainted, can we go get something to eat?" Jax said in his usual sassy tone of voice.
"Can we even eat--?" You asked, looking at him with one raised eyebrow.
"No, but I can still want something to eat." He scoffed.

Caine popped up, seemingly out of nowhere. "I have a deal for you all!" Caine said in his booming announcer voice that seemed to make the entire world shake. He went on to explain one of his elaborate adventures and that he'd prepare a 'digital feast' if we finished it... whatever a digital feast is.

-- About 2 hours of mischief and unimaginable pain later --

"Oh my #^$*!$& God will we have to do this every day-?!" You whimpered, dusting yourself off as you managed to get up off of the floor.
"Well, we don't have to do it, and it's not like all of these adventures are that intense." Zooble said, looking over at you as they put their antennae back on.

"As I promised, an *AMAZING* digital feast has been prepared for you all!" Caine said, pulling back a velvet red curtain to reveal ... low-resolution food all placed on a big table. Huh.

Everyone sat in their seats happily as you just stood there.

"Well?! Don't be shy, [Y/N]! Take a seat!" Caine said, pushing you and sitting you down next to Kinger, startling him. He screamed, visibly scared before going dead silent for a good 5 minutes. You two held a staring contest before he finally said something. "Oh, [Y/N]! It's just you. You scared me." He said, his eyes boring through you.

You looked down at your plate, wide-eyed, almost matching Kinger. The fact that you can't leave is finally, really setting in.

After a few more minutes, you realized Kinger was still staring at you. You looked at him, nervous. He was shaking violently, to say the least.
".. You okay?" You asked gently, trying not to startle him.

He seemed to snap out of it, and talking to him gently seemed to work a little. "Huh?! Sorry, I-I wasn't paying attention- Did you say something, [Y/N]?"

"I was just uhh- Asking if you were okay."

"Oh, yes, thank you. I'm alright. I think." He replied.

(ok im done for this chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it)

A king and his kingdom. // Y/N x Kinger // The Amazing Digital CircusWhere stories live. Discover now