Chapter 6- CyberPsychosis

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"He's good to go when he wakes up." Ether says. "But that means his CyberPsychosis will hasten. That being said, you'll have to make sure he uses this serum." She holds out a bag full of viles and needles.

I don't move, reluctant to open my eyes as I lay there. I had truly believed I'd died, but I came to realize that I'd simply been floating around in my own subconscious.  

"Thank you. I'll make sure he takes it." Someone says, and the voice is familiar, but I can't seem to place it with a face and name.

"He's not going to like it. The effects will make him reluctant to take it, but he'll be more compliant as his CyberPsychosis encroaches on his mind." Ether continues to explain. "This serum doesn't stop the psychosis, but it slows it down." 


"And to be clear, once your vials are out, he'll go sling shotting over the edge. No coming back."

There's a moment of silence before I'm sat up in my bed and I act as if I'd just woken up, blinking drearily. "S-Snow?" I stutter, not having to fake my surprise to see the Pilgrim Nikke.

"It has been sometime, Kojiro." She nods. "Can you walk?"

I hesitate, glancing down at my legs. I'm not surprised when I see more metal attached to me, making my legs and arms artificial now. I'm practically a robot at this point. "I think so." I reply, feeling oddly nausious.

"Good." Snow says simply.

"Now that the Vice Commander is awake, you two should hurry up and return to the surface." Ether says from her desk. "Despite my efforts to save you, the Central Government isn't to pleased with it." She pauses a moment before elaborating. "Now that you're more chromed-out-- as I like to call it-- you're that much more likely to revert to Cyberpsychosis. Which labels you as a threat. That being said, I'm willing to bet that the Central Government is going to send the Triangle Squad after you guys."

"Triangle. . . squad. . .?" Snow asks, furrowing her brow.

"Yes, despite only having three members, they're all very deadly Nikkes." Ether nods slowly, deciding how to describe this to the Pilgrim.

"So the wish to put Hisagi down?" She asks. "Like a rabid dog."

"I think that's what she's saying." I agree as I dress myself in typical clothes made for surface travel.

"I had Anne bring in a few guns that she claimed were your 'preference.'" Ether says, carting a tray over to me with the recognizable MA25B AR and a photon sword, including a few belts of ammo clips. "But you'd better hurry and leave before Triangle arrives." Ether ushers Snow and I over to a door set in the back and ushers us out just as the front door bursts open.

"This is Triangle, place your hands above your head and get on the ground!" The leader yells. Privaty. A Nikke I knew decently well, and if I must say, she had quite the thing for me. Her hair is aqua blue and put up in a set of pigtails. Her uniform is white and she has an admiral cap, though it's embroideries were missing, showing that it wasn't authentic.

Her other two subordinates follow, rifles raised. Admi and Yulha were a sight to behold themselves. Admi was a short girl who seemed timid while Yulha had a snaggle tooth and a messy rats nest of hair.

They spot me in an instant. Privaty and I make direct eye-contact before I slam the door shut. I take off down the back alley before I can hear gunshots ring out within the lab. . . They'd killed Ether.

I grit my teeth and pump my legs faster, telling myself that the friendly scientist would be fine.

The streets of the Ark were empty at this time of night, and the only thing I could see other than the lamp posts was the red and blue flashing lights. no way this was that big of a deal. . . was it?
I duck as a bullet zings over my head.

"Vice Commander Hisagi! Resisting arrest will only make your punishment more severe!" Privaty yells after me.

"Snow, we'll split up and meet at the elevator." I say as we sprint down the empty streets, distant sirens blaring.

"Be careful." Snow says ad I flash her a grin before before ducking down an alleyway, making sure the Triangle squad had seen me. As I'd mentioned, Privaty and I knew each other and I couldn't help but say, she has a fancy for me.

So, with that on mind, I was fairly certain she'd be the one to com after me and send Admi and Yulha after Snow. That would make it easier to manipulate her. She's easy to fluster, and that usually gets her thinking improperly. It's rather comical, but would work to my benefit. . . I hope.

A few alley ways over, I come to a stop, my thighs burning from how heavy my legs below my knees were now. I take a moment to catch my breath before Privaty rounds the corner. She doesn't raise her rifle, which is a good sign for my next step.

"Vice Commander Hisagi, please do not resist arrest." Privaty declares, hand on her gun, but still not raising it.

"You know, I was always scared to admit it, but now that I'm going to jail. . ." I pause and stand up, easily towering above Privaty, especially with my new legs. "I like you. I know. . . it sounds cliche, but-- If I'm going to jail, I figured I'd say it now."

Privaty's face turns a bright red and her hands fumble with her AR- which was strapped to her body. "Wh-What. . ." She says, clearly thinking this was something out of a dream. . . or a dream itself.

"Privaty. Run away with me." I say, selling my get away on the flattery. "We'll live on the surface, and clean it up. Maybe have some farm land."

Privaty's mouth gapes open for a moment before she shakes her head vigorously. "I- I want to. . . but. . ." She glances over her shoulder as if there was something behind us. "I--I can't!" She cries out, having to clutch her AR to her chest as she starts to panic. This must be hard for her: Me or her team.

Now for the finishing touch.

I reach out, hesitating for a moment, not sure even myself, if I should go through with this. But, Snow's life, my life was on the line. In seconds, my lips touch hers and we stay there, kissing in an alleyway to the sound of police sirens in the Ark.

Her lips are soft and warm and slowly become salty as she starts crying. I pull away and she looks up at me, confused and torn before she says. "H-Hisagi. .. let's run. . . away. . ."

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