teenage love.| chpter 19

333 9 0

time skip/they're already grade 6:))

February 10 2022

i was in school and it was science class, so i sat next to angelina because she is my new friend, we met at the school.. obviously? then i looked at andrija who was playing with the boy next to him I think that boy is his friend and i heard him chuckle and so you know, andrija was courting me for 1 year.. well, until now.

i think it's time..

i looked at kosta who is super mysterious this time, he looked so innocent but with a slight emo.. whats happening to him?, did he know that andrija was courting me? then i shook my head and focused on the lesson, It's just weird that kosta is much quiet now.

I looked at angelina "ginaaaaaa" i whispered and she looked at me "what?" she asked and i smiled "nothing..im just boring." i said and she chuckled "lets eat together later?.." she whispered and i nodded "suree!" i whispered shout and we quietly chuckles then we focused on the lesson again, i can feel andrija and kosta is looking at me but i didn't mind, because maybe they're looking at angelina right?, and i looked at them, andrija looks away making it obvious that he was looking at me.. but kosta didn't look away, and just keep staring at my soul.

That's so suspicious..

then i just looked away and started writing the important things that i can review later but the bell rang, means its lunch time and we all put the books, and notebook on our bag and i put on my bag then i feel someone's hand on mine then i looked at it, realizing it's andrija and i blush then we heard angelina, mara, ema, andrej, and vladimir.. "ayieeeeeeeeee, is somethings up with you two?!" they all said

making some of our classmates look at us including kosta andrija and i looked at each other before we blushed and he let go of my hand and put it on the back of his head.

"uhhh..? what are you talking about, we're what?" andrija said faking his chuckles and i looked around before i chuckled "yeah.. what's wrong with y'all.." i said then they gave me a side eye "don't act like andrija is not courting you~" vladimir tease, andrija and my eyes went wide "WHAT!? HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" we both said out loudly and they laughed "so you're courting Y/N!?" they asked and we blushed "oh, no..why would i?" andrija asked and they just smiled "okay..as you said so." ema said and we smiled then we all headed to the cafeteria.


we arrived at the cafeteria and andrija sat next to me, and the others sat next to each other on purpose and i think they want andrija to have me..pufftt, i look at andrija and he looks at me too.

"uhm..drijaa" i said and he raised his eyebrows "yes." i simply said and he tilted his head "yes what?.." he asked and I just smile "yes..i said yes." i said and his eyes went wide "do you mean yes!?.. so i can me your boyfriend now!?" he said out loudly and i cover his mouth before i looked around seeing the 6th graders looking at us and i just smiled nervously and i uncovered his mouth when they all took they're attention out of us "yes!?.. uhh, did aunt M/N said yes too??" he whispered shout and i just nodded "i don't know..yet, but I'll ask mom later.. I think she'll agree." i said quietly and he smiled before he hugged me making my eyes widen and I blushed "what was that fo-" i said but andrija cut me off "that was for being such a cutie~" he teased and we chuckled then he let go of me.

"do you think we're.. a little too young?" he asked and i glared at him "you're the one who asked to court me right?" i said and he chuckled "yeah, yeah right" he said still chuckling and i just continued eating.

angelina, mara, ema, Vladimir and andrej suddenly approach us "ohhhh.. these two are dating now~" they tease and we just blushed before we shook our head "no." andrija and i said at the same time and they just laughed before they nodded "fine..but tell us if you two are thing okay?~" andrej said and they chuckled again "GUYSSSS!" ema said making us look at her "wanna hang out later??" she said and we all looked at each other and then nodded "OFCOURSE!!" we all said loudly then we laughed. then k felt someone's hand on mine again then i looked down before i looked at andrija who was smirking and i sighed "seriously?" i SAS and i heard him let out a low chuckle.

(A/N): uhhhhh, guyssss.... ACKKKK! they're already in 6th grade!? and the reader and andrija is now together!? this is going crazy!.
btw.. seeyah next chapter babayyee!.

852 words.

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