1 the Beginning

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Abby pov

I just got ready for bed in my pjs which consist of a baggy shirt and my undies. what they're comfy. I got into bed and was cuddling one of my teddys. Just as I was closing my eyes I felt my body falling I opened my eyes and see I about to fall on a blonde kid about my age maybe older or younger i can't tell when I'm falling

'AHHHH MOVE, WAIT DON'T MOVE HELP ME!!!' I scream as I'm falling. the blonde kid looks up and sees me but it is too late i fall on him and we crash to the floor with me lying on top of him, i get a good look at him and see he's definitely younger than me by maybe 5 years, Im 19 years old btw. 

'Damn that hurt' I say quietly 

'Get off me old lady' Blondey says

'Who you calling old twerp' I say while getting off of him and glaring at him. he looks at me then looks away blushing. that's when i realise I'm not wearing pants and try and pull my shirt down to cover me and look around at everyone and yell

"LOOK AWAY YOU PERVERTS" i scream at them and they quickly look away. then this short old man comes walking up to me.

"what's your name child?" he asks me 

"Abby, sir," I respond politely 

" Follow me, Abby my name is Markorav I'm the guild master here at Fairy Tail" Markorav explains to me while walking away with me following behind him going upstairs and then into what looks like an office.

"take a seat child" Markorav tells me and I feel more comfortable when I place a pillow on my lap.

" You have a very special power child" M

"what falling through the sky" A

" No child the power fire life" Markorav says to me 

" how do you know if I have magic power I don't even know if I have it," I say to him a bit annoyed.

"I feel strong magic coming off you and I was able to identify what magic as well. I will make you an offer which will be in your favour" M

" Go on" A

"I will get you a house paid in full if you join Fairy Tail and I'll supply you with books on your powers for you to train there are jobs here that you can take and earn money from." M

"I'll take it as I'm in no position to say no to it as I don't have anything at the moment, that reminds me are there clothes that I can change into to feel more comfortable when walking around" I accept his offer and then ask as well as I have no other clothes as well. 

once I was given a set of clothes to change into I got my guild mark which is black on my outer thigh. Master led me to the free house he had given me along with some books about my power. and left me alone for the rest of the day.

the house is 2 stories 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms with a decent garden outback along with an open floor plan on the bottom floor oh let's not forget about the very spacious basement as well.

I was reading a book about fire life magic it states that once you reach a certain level you will meet your first demon queen of the dead. the book also states that power comes naturally at will you can create animals with fire and you can transfer your body into the fire animal and control it as if it is your own body. [ that seems helpful] The fire will not extinguish unless you wish it to extinguish in water or any other element that the fire dies in. 

I didn't realise the time and fell asleep on my couch with the book in my lap.

time skip morning 

I woke up to the sun shining on my face I sat up and looked around and saw I was in the living room with the book on my lap.[ the book didn't give me much, I think it only got so fair due to the author only getting so fair with their magic ] I get up and have breakfast thankfully there is food in here and decide I'll go on an easy job to help with my magic and get the experience in the field. I finish my food place my bowl and stuff in the sink, head out to the guild and talk to some people before I leave for a job.

Once I enter its complete chaos and I see 2 young girls fighting i walk up to them

"what's the problem here girls" A

"Nothing old woman" the girl with the white hair explained to me, I glared at her and everyone seemed to stop what they were doing but I didn't notice that as I was too busy glaring this girl down and she had a scared look on her face.

"what's your name?" I asked her very mad that I was called old.

"M M Mirajane miss" Mirajane explains stuttering 

" well, Mirajane why did you call me an Old woman," I say with a ticked mark on my face.

" because y y your old aren't you" she says taking small steps back while I follow her with matching steps leading her to a pillar that stops her with me right in front of her.

"I may not be much older than you but I'm not old like Master is" I say and feel my fist on fire and punch the pillar missing mirajanes head. Mirajane seems scared shitless

" show some respect I may not have been here long but we are family now and the way you said that to me wasn't very nice, I'm Abby btw be nicer to each other because you never know when they won't be there anymore and the guilt will eat at you for your life," I say to her and walk away to the job bored.

" Hey fight me" someone said i turned around and saw a small boy with pink spikey hair coming towards me i put my hand out and covered the boy in flames and tossed him in the air away from me.

"Not now kid maybe when you're older and stronger," I say still walking towards the job board. [ that wasn't me well it was but I'm not like that with that personality] That was me my dear  something said in my head I just grabbed a job without even looking and headed towards master.

"I'll take this one master" 

" of course child and you gave Mira quit the scare there thankyou every one was getting tired of Mira and Ezra fighting" Master said to me 

" yeah no problem them brats were doing my head in, anyway ill be off" i explain walking out of the guild and giving master a 2 finger salute.

fire life magic [ fairytailxoc]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant