Chapter 1 Carter

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Proanity warning. Story is on tiktok account @ci.iscrazy "Random Pov /Steve"

Steve stares out the window of the car as Maria Hill drives towards the Avengers compound. " So Captain..don't pay any attention to anything Colson said back there. He is the biggest Cap Nut there is."

Steve breaks his gaze from the Cityscape, "Agent Hill, I don't really care what he said I wasn't listening. All I want is food and something to punch."

"You have food sitting on your lap Captain we stopped at McDonald's about 20 minutes ago." Maria points to the bag, "I guess the city had your attention."

Steve pulls out the burger, "Thanks."

"Your welcome...So what is it like being frozen?"

Steve ignores her practically inhaling the burger.

*3 Years Later*

Fury walks into the meeting room taking a seat at the head of the table. "I have you a new doctor. Medical doctor."

Tony looks up from his phone, " A doctor? Is he qualified and is he cleared and experienced?"

Fury smiles intertwining his fingers, " She is qualified and has more experience than most in the kind of injuries you guys seem to always get, and from what i gather she is very handy with chemicals. We rescued her from Hydra. "

" Hydra? Are you sure this women was captive?" Natasha questions.

Fury nods "The condition in which she was found was plenty proof. Honestly im surprised she survived we all are, Maria actually found her."

Maria looks up from her phone, " She was critcal for 2 weeks in the Icu. Took a week after that before we could any information about who she was. Not to mention the the trip up from Germany itself. "

Steve rolls his eyes pinching his nose between two fingers, " We have a doctor Fury. "

"Well Captain you get another one. An actual Dr and not Bruce, no offense."

"None taken. I'm not that kind of doctor." Bruce smiles.

"She has expericance in plastics and trauma as well as general health. You name it she has experiance in it."
Fury gets up opening the meeting room door for you.
Tony shakes his head in annoyance "Fury we don't really need a doctor or new recruit. Hospitals work perfectly."

You step in the door, " Well I didn't ask for a... Stark." You stop dead in your tracks staring at Steve, he turns quickly hearing your voice and stands so fast his chair falls over.

"Impossible" Steve walks over to you, "Yn." His hand shakes slightly as he reaches for yours. You reach up smacking his cheek hard enough his head snaps, and leave a red hand print there.

"You stay away from me you self centered, egotistical, demeaning, unreliable son of a bitch. " An agent grabs your arms trying to pull you back and away, you step on his toes, yelling at steve. "I fucking hate you. I hope you live a sad miserable, lonely, fucked up life full of misery and hate, for doing what you did Steven Grant Rogers. I HATE YOU and I hope you know that. Let go of me."

You pull your arm free of the agent trying to smack him again. Steve grabs you arm gripping is hard enough you can't move it, "I don't believe that."

He looks at the agent, motion or him to let go of your arms.
"Well I do." You snarl at him.

He shakes his head, "No You don't Yn and you know it." He let's go of your arm putting one hand in the small of your back and pulling you into a kiss.

You melt and hold him, instantly kissing him back and thread your fingers through Steves hair, running one hand up his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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