Charmed. There's always a choice. Chapter 3

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Phoebe came downstairs. Her hair was a tangled mess, her eyes were red and swollen from crying. She was confused and disorientated, no longer certain of what she felt, doubting the certainty of her belief that vanquishing Cole was the way to go.

Piper was reading quietly in the kitchen, when Phoebe entered. She looked up at her sister and said "OMG what's wrong? "

Phoebe sat beside her and said slowly " I had this premonition of us van - killing Cole "

" You found a way " Piper said gleefully

" Yes " Phoebe said " He becomes totally evil, not like he was before when he had a soul but as if that is totally destroyed and just the evil is left and we -we vanquish him, using his own power "

" This is good " Piper said jumping up "This is very good "

" No, it's not " Phoebe answered miserably "because he is evil, I think, because we use his evil power, I saw what happens to us. Piper, it destroys us, using his power like that turns us more evil than him "

" Soulless " Piper breathed.

Phoebe nodded.

" Well," said Piper "you get these premonitions for a reason, a warning, we have to find a way to destroy Cole without using his own evil. "

Phoebe brightened "Yes "she said " Maybe it's a warning to find a way to destroy Cole with good magic.


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Piper immediately jumped on the idea, " There is a way " she said " I just can't find it yet. " She sighed " Cole is too strong now for family magic but if we can find a way to use family magic and the power of my baby. We're stronger, more powerful witches than we were before. There is a way I know it and I'm sure this premonition was a means of letting us find that way."

Phoebe looked as if she was going to start crying again. Piper put her arm around her. " Don't worry sis " she said. "We'll find a way to get rid of Cole and you will never even have to think of him, even remember he existed. " The tears welled in Phoebe's eyes and she smiled " You're right " she said

Piper smiled " You know I'm right. Cole is the ultimate evil now "

Phoebe eyed her sister through the tears and this time the part of her that recognised evil, the part of which she was so frightened skipped a beat.

" Yes " she said " You are right. " And the tears dried.

They called Leo and Phoebe told him of her premonition and asked what it all meant. Leo agreed that it was a warning, to vanquish Cole before he turned completely evil and to make sure it was done with white magic. Cole must be stopped before he turned totally evil. Leo went to check with the Elders if they could think of any white magic that would destroy the ultimate evil.

Paige, after trying to talk to Phoebe, had orbed out for a long walk around the harbour, hoping the water and being surrounded by ordinary people may make things a little clearer but she returned home, feeling more distressed and concerned at the road her sisters were taking. She heard Phoebe and Piper talking in the kitchen and went in. They told her of the premonition. Concerned she asked her sisters if they were sure that was what it meant.

Piper stared at Paige in exasperation. " Paige what else could it mean " She snapped " we're the Charmed Ones, we're the most powerful witches in the world. That is what we do, rid the world of evil, and this evil has to go before I lose the means to do it " and Piper touched her belly.

Charmed. Cole and Phoebe Guardian series. There's always a choiceWhere stories live. Discover now