Chapter 9

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As Sanzu was lost thoughts he didn't pay attention to the road. unlucky for Sanzu, something unexpected happened

A car crash was heard but nobody knew who crashed...
Y/n pov:

I have been staying here ever since Sanzu left and i still haven't heard from him. Nobody has come to check up on me either so i'm just alone here ugh.
I will just call Sanzu
*This is Sanzu, don't call again.*
it went straight to voicemail, how strange. i thought he was going to find Rindou, something must be up.
I called the other members and found out Mikey told Sanzu that Rindou might be in a warehouse and he hasn't heard from him since then.
Since nobody went to look for them, i will just escape here and look for them. And after doing so, i will escape this town. I stole a motorcycle from the road and surprisingly it was unlocked, so i just drove straight to the place Mikey mentioned.
As i was driving, i saw a huge car crash and the car looked a lot like Sanzus. and IT WAS HIS. i couldn't recognize the other car so i just called Mikey to handle this mess. And i went straight to the warehouse.
What i saw there surprised me.
Inside there, Rindou was playing with the dead body of Kisaki Tetta. he was laughing crazily and man was caught up in some kind of phase. I called put for him
"The fuck are you doing here everyone was looking for you, Sanzu got in a car crash"
"I'm taking revenge." His tone was way colder than usual and his eyes looked dead cold.
"What revenge are you talking about, if we were gonna end up fighting with them then why did you even give me this mission?"
"Who told you to speak. Go back before i tell the others to lock you up."

I was too stunned to speak so i just left the fucker there. I used hidden alleyways to leave the town. I have to contact Senju, i need to know what has happened to them.

Mikey Pov:
Y/n called me and we went to where the car accident occured. And the other driver was Hanma, i'm not even surprised. We quickly took Sanzu out of the now burning car and left like that. I don't know what happened with Rindou but this will not end up good.
"Why do you think Rindou went that far?"
"How can i know Noi we are just plain members, only Sanzu can know about it and we are just lucky he isn't dead yet."
We rushed Sanzu to our own building to have him treated there.
It didn't take long for him to wake up. We told him everything that happened and he asked about Y/n and Rindou.
"She called me and i told her that Rindou might be in warehouse so i guess she is there."
sanzu checked Y/n s location from the gps we hid in her phone and seems like she threw her phone away somewhere.
"That bitch really escaped huh. How stupid are you to even let her go out. Rindou will be so mad."

After some time, Rindou came back to our hq and he had blood stains all over his suit, his eyes looked horrifying.
"Handled the Hanma guy"
"So this is where you have been all this time"
"Yeah and tell Kakucho to get rid of the dead bodies and the evidences. Also where the hell is y/n"
"She escaped boss"
We obeyed his orderes and began the search for her, i thought she would get used to us but that was just a stupid thought after all. I wonder how is she gonna react after she finds out her lover is dead.

Y/n pov:
I have been driving for 2 hours. Nobody has came after me yet so this is good sign. I'm going to Brahmans hq, i'm sure they are all alive searching for me. I really miss them all. Especially Waka.

3rd pov:
Rindou went even crazier after finding out y/n escaped. How could she escape after he had done so much for her? Her searchs for Brahman was just useless. Nobody was gonna explain to her what really happened that day. And nobody was going to understand why Rindou chose y/n if she doesn't remember it herself. After all the searching operation, they found a track of her and Rindou went there immediately. He couldn't let her escape. Not again.

Y/n pov:
I have been hiding pretty well and i doubt they can trace me.
Just as i was thinking like that i heard black van show in the middle of a mysterious alleyway.
The door opened and i wasn't even surprised to see the one and only Hanma there.
"Hop in my lady"
I did as he told. I'm glad to get rid of Bonten. Now my only purpose is to find Senju and the others. It will be even easier since i have my brother by my side now.


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