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You as Y/N Potter - Lestrange...

You as Y/N Potter - Lestrange

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"I am a jedi..."

Profile: Y/N was the lesser known half of the Potter Brothers until he arrived at Hogwarts where he found his calling and heritage in the ways of the Jedi and the force. Beginning his training under Jedi Master Kestis, Y/N was as quick to learn the new skills presented to him as he was with any other, applying himself to his studies as a Jedi with enthusiasm. However, he is not only skilled in the ways of the Jedi, he is the brightest wizard of his age, preferring to study hard and strive for perfection in all tasks set before him.

This keenness to study first opened his eyes to his feelings about one of his friends (now his student), Hermione Granger, it was the spark of love within him, a spark, that despite his reluctance due to the Jedi code, he could not put out. In their fourth year at school, their love blossomed and they found themselves in a relationship.

Shortly after however, disaster struck in the form of Y/N's master, Cal Kestis, being murdered at the hands of Lucius Malfoy. The event broke Y/N and caused him to blame himself, losing his connection with the force and with it, hope. However Y/N managed to overcome his grief and guilt, rising up to form a new Jedi order right under the nose of a dark force user, name Dolores Umbridge. 

However, the order was soon discovered and as Punishment, Umbridge sold Y/N to Zygerrian Slavers, spending over one and a half months in their custody as a slave before carrying out a mass escape, freeing all of the slaves and destroying the facility, he returned to Hogwarts and defeated Umbridge in a fight, actions that have garnered him a reputation through the galaxy.

At the end of his 5th year, Y/N learned a horrifying truth regarding his whole identity, leaving him questioning who he can trust, and if this fight is one he wants to be a part of...

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger...

"Do what you think is best Y/N, that's all any of us can

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"Do what you think is best Y/N, that's all any of us can."

Profile: Hermione Granger, The Brightest Witch of Her Age, loving girlfriend of Y/N Potter (and his student). Hermione is the one constant factor in Y/N's life, she's been there for him since his journey as a Jedi began, and he hopes she can be there with him as it ends with Y/N's retirement.

The Wizard From a Galaxy Far Far Away (YEAR6) [Hermione Granger x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now