Special Training

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3rd person Pov

Now after the shenanigans that took place last chapter, we see Ash and his Pokemon walking over to a secluded place near the mountains a little to the north of Pewter City.

Upon reaching there he brought all of his Pokemon out. There was a bright light coming out of each of them and in the end, all of Ash's Pokemon stood horizontally awaiting orders from their trainers.

"Ok guys listen up" Shouted Ash gaining their attention.

All his Pokemon looked at him with their complete attention.

"We have a match against the pewter city gym leader in 2 days and since the gym is a rock-type gym we are going to have our work cut out for us."Said, Ash.

"Now first Pikachu start building up electricity and then release it towards that huge boulder over there and keep doing it to the point where you can launch repeated thunderbolts cause as it now stands you are ready to faint after anywhere between 2 to 3 thunderbolts and after that. We need to build up as much stamina as we can if we want you a while last against these rock types, After that I want you to use your tail repeatedly on that rock cause in doing so you might be able to learn the move Iron tail and well that could give us a significant advantage " Said, Ash 

Pikachu nodded at Ash and with Obedience trusting his judgment, he cheerfully walked towards the  Huge boulder.

Pikachu nodded at Ash and with Obedience trusting his judgment, he cheerfully walked towards the  Huge boulder

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"And now Charmander I want you to use scratch repeatedly on a rock to the point where they harden like steel. Metal claw will be a useful move against this gym leader. Cause if we want to win against the Pewter City gym leader we are going to need every advantage we can get" Said Ash 

"And while doing that practice building stamina by running and try to control your fire to the point where you choose how much power you want to let out. I want you to master flamethrower when I am back" said Ash.

"Once you are done please check up on Pikachu and bring him with you. I will be near the waterfall south of Pewter" Continued Ash.

Now we see Ash sitting under a waterfall with his eyes closed and with his chest exposed showing his toned physique. We can now see a faint blue light covering Ash's entire body. The blue light becomes brighter slowly and slowly until it becomes a full-on shield protecting Ash from the force of water. Now Ash slowly opens his eyes revealing them to be beautiful cerulean blue eyes.

 Now Ash slowly opens his eyes revealing them to be beautiful cerulean blue eyes

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