The Start

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We find a young boy at around the age of 15 sleeping in a big white room this boy is Ash the son of Arceus. today is the day when he starts school, he decided to go to the Pokémon school in Alola. Ash doesn't talk much, but he is always vary energetic. he is half Pokémon and half human he has the strongest powers even more powerful than his mom's he has been to many regions with his fateful partner Pikachu, he's saved the world countless of times and sometime ether almost died or has died in the proses, but now he has decided to go to school to learn more about his friends the Pokémon.

Right now he is asleep in the Hall of Origin were he lives with him Mom and siblings, his partner Pikachu curled next to him, he has Raiven black hair and his PJ'S on, his alarm clock will go off any seconed.


His partner Pikachu starts to wake rubing his eye's with a little "Chaaa" and strech, he goes over to his trainer and shakes him awake but he wont budge so he desides to use his favoret methode to wake him up.................a Thunderbolt


And just like that Ash bolts up and knows EXACTLY who did it.

Ash's POV;                                                                                                                                                                                   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                          I'm in the middle of my sleep when i feel a little shock and i emetitly bolt up in my bed and know exactly who did it so i look to my left witha mad face at my buddy Pikachu who's laughing hard but i know why he did it so i let it go. I get dressed and head downstairs were i find my Mom and my sibling's already eating

Mew "Hey Ashy!"

Arceus "Morning Ash"

Ash "Hi everyone"

Pikachu "Sorry i didnt say it erler but MOrning Ash"

Ash "It's ok bud-"

Wait wait wait HOW CAN ASH UNDERSAIND PIKACHU!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? you ask well lets have a look

FLASHBACK IN KALOS                                                                                                                                                          --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                        Ash's POV

Me and my friends were walking to the next Gym when we heard a Pokémon cry we all looked at eachother and noddent then started running to the source of the call, when we got there we saw a person our age hitting a Lucario with a stick and calling it names, I couldnt stand it so I walked into the open were they were.

"HEY! what are you douing!?"

"im hitting this pokemon what does it look like im douing?"

"well stop! its not right"

"so it hit me with a aura sphear and it heart REALLY BAD! so i tied it to the tree and started hitting it. Now leave me alone!"


Third POV                                                                                                                                                                                     -----------------------------------------------------------------

At this point Ash had a blue out line and instead of his normal chocolate brown eye's his eye's were a bloodshot red. and he looked scary to everyone even Pikachu, and the Lucario. the girl got scared.

"O-okay J-just Don-dont h-hurt m-me! P-plea-please"



She ran away as far as she could hoping to NEVER see that boy again. once Ash couldn't see the Girl anymore the blue glow dissapeared and his eye's wen't back to narmal. 

Ash's POV                                                                                                                                                                                    -----------------------------------------------------------------

Once the girl was gone i approched the Lucario but when i bent down to help it it winced and backed up. i could see fear and horror in it's eye's but i don't know why i thought i just saved it?

"it's okay i won't hurt you, im not like that girl i want to help"

the Lucario still stayed frozen but after a second it closed its eyes and it glowed a bluish coler a cuple seconds later it opened it's eye's and moved tward's me so i untied it, once it was untied it trusted me enough to spray some heal potion on it so i did. once i was done i stood up and turned around to see Bonnie, Clemont, and Serena with wide eye's and mothesd droped.


Bonnie "Y-you just g-glo-glowed!"

Clemont "And yo-your eye's we-were r-red"

Serena "an-and your v-voice w-was d-dar-dark"

"Are you guys ok i didn't do any of that i just said to leave the Lucario alone and she left? are you guys okay? are you sick, Halusinating?"

Bonnie "NO!!! YOU ACTUALY GLOWED!!!!!!!"

Clemont "yeah she's right we all saw it, even Pikachu Lucario and that girl, that's why she ran!"

"well i think you guys are ether playing a prank or halusinating, let's just set up camp"

Serena "........Ok"

after we set up camp Clemont made dinner and we ate... but they kept looking at me strangly like i was crazy or sumthing and a cuple of times i cout them staring then whispering, they were being weird and i didn't know why. so after dinner we all went to bed.

---------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                       Time skip next day         Third POV                                                                                                                                  ---------------------------------------------------------------

 The gang woke up to the sun shining through their tent's they all woke up and Clemont made brukfast and after brukfast they cleaned up and started back on their way but before they left Lucario joined their Juorney. So now we see our Hero's back on the trail talking, but this time instead of a scream they were sudenly teliported to Pallet town were Ash lived they looked around untill they all saw smoke so they all went twards the smoke, while they were running Ash relised that he was back near his house and he told the group.

When they got there what Ash saw Broke. His. Heart.

CLIFFHANGERRRRRRR!!!!!!! if you want to find out what happenes next keep reading!!!


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