Note to self: That was a stupid decision.

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"Don't forget to--" Clove began, being rudely cut off by Hael. "Clean the basement, I know."

Clover rolled her eyes, but she smiled despite, knowing Hael had always been untalkative. "Alright. I trust it'll be done before I get home?" Hael nodded in response, already grabbing equipment for cleaning: Gloves, trash bags, a more comfortable outfit and some cleaning wipes.

Clover didn't speak further, grabbing her coat and heading out the front door to meet up with some friends. Once she was finally gone, Hael sighed out a breath he had been holding and made his way to the basement door. He opened the door, expecting to be greeted by a dark staircase.

The lights were on, the stairs clean, not a single cobweb or crack in sight, and the room even had a small scent of vanilla coming from it. "Old owners must've kept it clean." Hael explained to himself, it saved him some extra work at least. Leaving his equipment at the top of the stairs, Hael stepped forward and made his way down stairs, admiring how tidy everything was. Anything left behind was neatly placed in boxes and stacked atop another.

Once he was at the final step, something caught his eye. Hael spotted a box with some weird writing on the top, what seems to be a mix of Latin and something Hael didn't recognize. Hael walked over to the box and didn't even think before pulling of the clearly old tape, and opened the box lid. Inside was a spear head, a stack of worn paper, and a ripped up trench coat. The coat definitely needed stitching too from what Hael could see.

So Hael closed the box, and turned to head back upstairs to put his equipment away, but as he took each step, the staircase felt.. longer. By about a step or two.

Hael brushed it off as just a silly thought, and continued upstairs. Once upstairs out the basement, Hael shut the door behind him, locked it, and then focused on putting the fortunately unneeded equipment back in their respective places. Then, once everything was said and done, Hael decided that since his only job was already done for him, he'd relax, by going to his bedroom and laying down in the bed, quickly falling asleep under the covers, his face obstructed from midday sunlight. Which is going to be his biggest mistake yet.

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