The ceremony

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It was dark. It always seemed dark now. And cold. She was always cold. She shivered against the cold stone wall pulling the sheet around her frail body tighter begging for any source of heat she could find.

A muffled grumbling noise crept from the girls stomach. She couldn't even remember the last time she ate. Maybe it was a day ago, maybe a week ago or a month ago.

The screeching noise made her claw at her skin as the light crawled into the room creeping up towards the girl who tried to hide into the wall as much as she could.

The light was blinding after spending all this time in the darkness. The outline of a tall figure in the light forced the girl to hide behind her hair.

"Get up."

The voice was harsh leaving no room to argue but the girl didn't move.

She couldn't. Her body ached. Her skin was littered with purple bruises, scars and dirt from the old disgusting cellar.


The harsh voice repeated.

But she couldn't.

The shadow stomped closer. A tight piercing grip dug into her arm so tight she was sure it was drawing blood. She scrunched her face up in pain as she was dragged off the floor discarding the sheet. Her pale naked body exposed to the large man who seemed to smirk at the sight.

"Alpha wants you." The man smirked as the girl tried to tug her arm away but this only made the man pull her closer.

There it was. Those three dreaded words.

"I can't." She begged as she tried to scramble away out of his reach as he pulled her towards the door.

He aggressively dragged her forward throwing her out of the door into the dim lit corridor. She hit the floor scuffing her knees.

"You haven't got a choice."
"I'm naked."

She snapped which seemed to only anger the man more. He reached down grabbing a fist full of her hair dragging her to her feet.

She yelped out in pain before he thrust her into wall hard. Her eyes snapped shut in pain as she gasped for breathe as his hand found her neck.

"I don't care."

He sneered at her through a smirk. His other hand glided down her body making her squirm under his touch.

"You're such a pretty girl. Such a shame you got a foul mouth." Tutted the man as he released her.

She knew exactly what he was thinking. But she knew he was frightened to touch her without his permission. Her alphas permission.

He tossed the old dirty sheet at the girl so she could cover her naked body. She grapsed to the sheet tightly like her life depended on it. It was the only thing offering her any dignity.

Not another word was spoken as he harshly wrapped his hand around her bicep purposely digging his nails into her pale skin. He dragged her through the halls as she stumbled to keep up with his fast pace.

She desperately held the sheet around her as he kicked open a door. Light blinded her eyes as the sun began to set. She tried to focus on the beautiful orange and reds but her mind knew where she was going.

Other women kept their heads down as the girl passed them. She wanted someone to help her. To support her. To keep her safe. But they were frightened. She couldn't blame them.

The distance sound of weeping caught her ears as she turned her head.

"Please. No. Not my son. Please. It's a mistake." Begged an older woman desperately as tears ran down her cheeks like streams.

My Alpha MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora