Into the woods

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The wind was howling through the trees. The distant sound of small animals settling in for the night was peaceful. But the frantic breathing broke the silence.

Feet hitting the ground heavily. The branches seemed against her as they grasped at her dress and tugged at her hair.

But she pushed on. Her legs were weak but she was too scared to stop. Her lungs were on fire and her side was burning too. But the distant shouts pushed her to keep going.

"Get her!"
"That way!"
"Don't let her escape!"

She glanced over her right shoulder as a branch caught her face. She wanted to turn. She knew she'd be faster on four paws then two feet but they would be able to track her better.

She learnt that last time she tried to escape.

Her eye caught a glimpse of the brown wolf closing in on her right. She knew they would turn. They were faster and could track easier. She needed to be smart.

She watched as the wolf curved towards her diving in the air. She threw herself forward down the hill rolling as branches snagged at her skin and hair. She hit the bottom hard as she was thrown on her front into the mud.

She scurried to her feet as the crunching of leaves and twig grew closer. Howls of communication echoed through the night sky.

She had to be off their territory now.

The branches ripped at her dress and her skin but she couldn't stop. She wanted to. Her body wanted to. She had no energy left. She hadn't eaten in weeks. She wanted to give in. To rest. For it all to be over. But something was pushing her to keep going.

The wolves grew closer as tears filled her eyes blurring her vision as they began to fall. She was going to be caught as she screeched to a stop at the top of a waterfall. The crashing of the waterfall wasn't loud enough to hide the growls behind her.

Her heart was beating at what felt like 1000 miles per hour. Her chest heaved up and down as her breathing tried to keep up.

Four wolves had her surrounded backing her up leaving no room to escape. The brown one turned back with a smirk on his face.

"You've got no where to run to." Malcolm laughed evilly as he stepped forward smugly.

He was right. If she jumped she would most likely die. She didn't know how to swim and he knew that that. But if she went back she'd be left to the Alpha.

And god knows what he had planned for the girl now. She humiliated him in front of his pack. She stood up to him. She knew he would make an example of what would happen if they defied him.

She glanced back over her shoulder at the water behind her. It looked dangerous yet also peaceful. Surely drowning wouldn't be that bad, right?

"Seraphina!" Malcolm called angrily as he watched the girl.

"Don't you dare!" He warned as the girl glanced back at him.

He was too late. He tried to grab her but she leaped into the air. Her breath was taken away at the feeling of falling. The water closed in as she crashed into the freezing cold water that submerged her.

She tried. She tried to swim. She kicked her legs. She waved her arms around but she didn't seem to be getting far until she broke the surface.

She gasped for air as she kicked to stay above the water desperately.

She had made it so far.

"I see her!"
"Get down there!"

She knew they were coming for her. The heavy dress she wore collected the water pulling her down. She needed to ditch the dress as soon as possible. She pulled herself against some rocks on the side on the pool of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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