Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


My normal school routine is put into play when I'm immediately being harassed by sexually deprived boys. They call out my name and wolf whistle, I walk on. Not in the mood to deal with them this morning. I'm never in the mood to deal with them. Hate them. I walk to my tutor room. To get my registration mark.

I take a deep breath and push open the door. "Kirsty!" I hear a call across the room, but before I can answer it I hear another shout.

"How many times have I got to tell you... To leave me the hell alone!"

"How many times have I got to tell you to keep your eyes off of my girl?!"

"I'm not looking at her!" "Oh really? Well your eyes told a different story a minute ago!" I focus in on the argument and find the usual suspects. I go to diffuse the situation. By diffuse the situation.. I really mean play with the situation.

"Boys, boys... What is the problem?" I ask politely.

"Stay out of this Kirsty!" The attacker snaps at me. Thomas Crawfield and Riley Beal. The school's biggest jerk/hothead against the quietest guy in the school. Surprised to see Riley actually shout back. He must be feeling brave... 

"Don't talk to her like that!" Riley shouts

"Shut your mouth, before I drop you!" Thomas snarls at Riley.

"Now.. There's really no need to fight." I say.

"Settle this proper! No viole-....." I didn't get to finish my sentence as I feel my arm being tugged on, I spin around defensively expecting a guy.  To find my friend smiling at me. 

"Rose! You scared me!" I exclaim. She giggles and pulls me toward our table.

"So I heard who fancies you!" Rose says excitedly.

"Who?" I roll my eyes.


"Oh, I don't know... Robert Pattinson."

"No." Rose says bluntly. "He lives in Hollywood for starters... Also way out of your league..." Oh Rose. The most literal, gullible person you will ever meet... A boy in a year younger than us (Year 10) convinced her that Michael Jackson faked his death and is coming to meet her at 3pm at the music department. Best day ever, she spent the whole dinner time trying to perfect the moonwalk so she could show off in front of him.

"Thanks for the confidence boost." I mutter.

"You don't need no confidence boost. Your gorgeous honey, and don't you forget it!" My closest best friend sits down next to me and grins. 

"Oh thanks! Kie, do you think Robert Pattison is out of my league?"  I ask.

"Yes." He replies bluntly.

"Thanks for that. Your the bestest gayest best friend ever!"

"Why would you care? Your not into the whole man thing anyway..." Rose says. 

"Rose!" I whisper. "Can't believe you just said that!"

" Well it's true isn't it?" Kieran asks. "

Yeah... But I don't want everyone knowing yet!"

"Girl. Be gay and proud!" Kieran laughs.

"I'm so not having this conversation with you all again!" I shout, eager to either change the subject or to leave their company and go search for Courtney. I decide against staying with them and turn to leave.

"No! Kirsty please stay. I'm sorry for bringing it up, I still haven't told you who likes you!" Rose laughs. I look at Rose and shrug my shoulders in a gesture to hurry up and tell me. "Courtney." 

"What Courtney likes me?" I ask surprised with a huge grin on my face. Rose looks past me at the door and nods. I turn around and see Courtney walk through the door, wearing an red long-sleeved denim polo buttoned up to the neck with high-waisted skinny jeans and red 'Vans'. Her jet black hair around the same length as mine. She smiles once she see's me. 

"A word of advice, you look like the Cheshire cat..." Kieran says mockingly. I shoot a glare at Kieran and turn back to Courtney to find her walking toward us. Courtney reaches out and takes my hand in hers to pull me over to a empty table.

I look back at Rose and Kieran to find them giggling. Rose holds her phone up to me and jiggles it. A signal to keep an eye on my phone, for text messages off of them. I sat down opposite Courtney, my phone vibrates instantly. I pull it out of my pocket and open the text message, 'Hey, Kirst.. You look kind of nervous.' I feel my anger rise at little and type back 'Piss off.' I take a quick glare at Rose and Kieran on the table across the room, then turn my attention back to Courtney.

"Hey." I say simply your face flushed from nerves.

"Hey Kirsty, I was wondering... We've been friends long enough for you to trust me now right?" 

"I guess. Yeah." I smile.

"So why didn't you tell me you were a lesbian?" I blink and stumble on my words, I was not expecting this...

"Wha...-? I'm not... I mean. Whaat?!"

"Kirsty, it's okay!" Courtney rushes to reassure you.  

"You can trust me, Rose told me. I assure you your secret is safe with me." Courtney smiles at me assuringly. I begin to blush and look at the table. I subconsciously pull a side of my hair behind my ears and force a smile. What little  self-confidence you have around Courtney now out of the window. I feel Courtney's hand touch mine, I look at her and she smiles.

She gently takes your hand and holds it under the table, your heart warms at her gesture. You give her a small smile; thanking her for being patient with your insecurities.

"Come on, we have Biology to get too."

"Oh." I check my phone and notice that the 9:00am lesson started  two minutes ago. "Oh crap..."  We both walk out of tutor group together and begin the long walk across the school to the science department.

The halls are empty, so I comfortably hold hands with Courtney and listen to her talk about recent gossip and the next clothing trend.

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