Chapter Two (Hazel POV)

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Exillium was hard.

But one thing I learned over the years is that it's easier with a friend.

Nyota: she was the one who helped me when I needed it. She cheered me up when I was down. And she was a friend to me when I needed her most.

But there was one part of my life I could NEVER show her.

The trips I illegally take to the Lost Cities.

Every month, I sneak away to a place where I can be alone.

A place where I can light leap to my house.

"Ah, there you are. Late as usual." My dad's voice rang through the air.

I bowed. "Hello, Father." I was banished at such a young age that my father had made me promise to stop by – illegally – once a month. To get new books (I love books and can't live without them) and food (Exillium has literally no food at all) and supplies.

"I've been waiting." He steps into view from behind a large column.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Father. It is very hard for me to slip away." I twisted my nexus around my wrist. An old nervous habit.

"I have three new books for you. And a backpack full of food for you and your friend- what's her name- Mylota?"

"It's- It's Nyota."

"Whatever. I also have a new tent for you." He leans in closer. "It's enchanted to be waterproof and invisible to everyone except you, me, and Mylota. After that storm last week..." He shook his head.

"Thank you so much, Father."

"Oh! I almost forgot. We have a visitor."

A visitor? That couldn't be good. Was it someone from the Council or nobility or someone who could banish me to Exi-

"HAZEL!!" my sister Marella shrieked. "I've missed you so much."

"Oh my Councillors, Marella, is that you????"

A smile. "Yeah. Look, I know things are really challenging right now, but I promise you. It will get better." Marella could always cheer me up.

"Look, I have to go before anyone notices I'm gone. I love you both and I'll see you next month!"

My dad stops me. "Hold out your hand." I do.

He places two Imparters into them.

One for me





"Thank you. Both of you. Now I have to go."

I walk up to the Leapmaster 501 (yes, it's supposed to be 500 but my dad added another crystal so I could leap back to where I stayed). "Garden Grove!" My father smiles as the crystal that goes to Garden Grove is brought down into the stream of light.

I stepped into the light and was instantly transported back to my home.



"THERE YOU ARE!! You've been gone for hours; did you know that?" Nyota asks.

"Whatever," I mumble. "I found us some more stuff! Look!"

Nyota gasps excitedly at the goodies I "found".

"-And a new tent!" I finish proudly a few minutes later.

"Where did you get all this stuff?" Ny asks in amazement.

Uhm. This. I don't like this. The only thing I've ever kept from Nyota. "I- I found it." I'm ashamed of lying to my best friend, but sometimes, you have to lie. For the safety of you, and everyone around you. 

A/N: hey would ya look at that its an update! i just realized that this is gonna be so confusing because my pseudonym is nyota, but my oc's name is nyota, and i chose the name nyota for me because it's cool and ohhhhhh boy.

anyways this one was written by kate! zoë chapters are by kae, hazel chapters are by kate, and nyota chapters are by... well me.

have a baguette for your troubles (and for the wait, i am so, so sorry about that!) 🥖

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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