'you don't know how long I could stare into your picture and wish it was me'

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Grace POV

The bell just rang for release from the fourth period, and my friend is walking me to my fifth, when some old ass teacher stops me.

"Airpods out please" she said, smiling.

I roll my eyes and turn to her, seeing that the bitch has airpods in herself, what the fuck.

"Miss why can you wear them and I can't?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Because I don't have a class to be in, you do" she said, "You need to focus on your work so you can have a good career in the future" she said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah so I don't end up like you", I said, turning.
"Excuse me?" She asked, "Come with me, you're not giving me this attitude young lady" she said, grabbing my arm.

"Miss what the hell?- I have a class to get to." I said, groaning and telling my friend to go ahead to class

"You should have thought about that before you were disrespectful" She said, leading me to the AP's office.

"Sit." She said, there were three chairs, to the far left was a girl, kind of short, she looked emo as fuck, obviously, I chose the one to the far right.

I rolled my eyes and got on my phone, she turned to me and took it, "Miss you can't take my phone, I'm not even in class"

"Doesn't matter, you're in trouble anyways" she said, her bitch ass is probably just jealous I can bend my knees.

"Miss you technically can't take a students phone without a reason." I heard from my left, the emo girl said it.

"Just put it up" the lady said, giving it back.

I rolled my eyes, putting it in my pocket, "I don't need anyone to defend me. I was gonna get it back." I said, rolling my eyes but not looking at her.

"um, sorry?" She said, looking at me.

I waited, then the girl got called into the office, and was let out, after a while of the AP asking me what happened I got ISS (in-school suspension) for two days, I walked home after that.

Leaving the school I see the emo girl, bent over a bush, looking at something behind it, I can't help but to look too.

She turned and saw me, "There's a little kitten" she said, looking at a orange, grey, and white kitten

"So? Won't it's mom hear it meowing or something?" I asked, looking around.

"Well, I mean it's really skinny so it's mom probably rejected it, I'm surprised it's not half-eaten." She said.

"Ew." I said, "so.. what?" I ask, turning to her

"I would keep it but my mom is really allergic, and shelters won't take her, well, probably her, most calicos are girls." She said.

"So you're just gonna leave it here?" I ask.

"Well, I was gonna see if someone else could take it home", she said, texting someone, she looked genuinely worried and had a look of stress for the cat.

"I know someone who could take care of him" I said, I didn't know why I said that, since I really don't.

"Really? Do you think they could come help her?" She asked, oh, 'her'.

"Probably, I could just bring her to my friends house or something" I said, annoyed that I got myself into this.

She smiled, keeping her eyes on the kitten. "Thank you, that's perfect." She said, scooping up the kitten

I don't know why but I feel good, "Mhm" I say, holding it in my arms, it's belly is weirdly round.

"I'm gonna go home now, I guess", I say, walking off.

"Oh, okay, bye!" She said, smiling, watching me and the kitty leave

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