Ch 1: A New Face ( Emelia POV) Pt 2.

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The inside of the castle is a gorgeous sight, definitely bigger on the inside. Its stone floors are immaculate and shine to a point of reflecting the light from the lamps. A red carpet stretches from the doorway entrance up the stairs in front of me. Pictures of the King's family litter the walls in a very organized fashion. He must have had a skilled castle design expert show his maids how to set pictures and place furniture.

Sakura leads me down a tight hallway. We squeeze by maids and butlers shuffling along on the way to where ever Ezikiel is. Finally, we reach a large room with a beautiful chandelier made from enchantment crystals far past their expiration date.

Cardinal Castle is not the biggest in the world, but it sure has to be the strongest. With being built into the Synapse mountainside, while most of Cardinal City was constructed from the mountainside below. Sakura and I pass through a few more decorated halls with paintings from famous artists from the Arttroshic period I think? Then, large silver door sits at the end of the hall. I walk up it and rub my hand across the extremely smooth texture.

"Sorry, is this door made from New Metal?" I ask, still rubbing the door.

Sakura's shoulders rise and fall rapidly.

"Yes, we commissioned a very talented metalsmith to form us an enchanted New Metal door to protect the Council Hall," Sakura says.

"Man, I know Ezekiel is the most powerful of the four kings. But finding enough New Metal to make a full door has to be a historic achievement."

"Yes, New Metal was the man's life work collecting enough fragments to make something from them. Lord Ezekiel made it worth the man's while. The man will never want another day in his life."

Dropping a lot of eels for rare materials is an everyday practice for any of the four kings. But, unfortunately, there are only three master Steel Smiths in Esterpine, all now amongst the wealthiest Smiths in ancient history.

"Okay, sorry, let's see the King now." Sakura sighs and steps around me.

"Right, too much time wasted." She looks at me, red eyes balanced with mine.

"Emelia, welcome to the Council room. Please be respectful to the Council." She places her hand on the door. I can feel the magical pressure in the air rise as Sakura releases some of her magic. Etchings on the door come to life and shine pink, and with a whoosh of air, the door clicks open.

I'm left with the full majesty of Cardinal Castles Council Hall. The stone floor is covered with a dark red carpet, and the room has no windows but does have enchanted copper light fixtures hanging from the ceilings. Casting a decent amount of light in the room.

A bronze chandelier hangs above a large white round table. Multiple people are seated at it. There are nine seats, but only five are seated. Sakura walks past me and makes her way to the King's side. He's sitting in an oversized chair at the front of the rounded table. His chair is made from a chunk of solid stone. A golden crystal crown adorned with multiple colored gems sits on the table close to him.

Sakura reaches his side and whispers in his ear. The King looks up and smiles at me.

"Emelia, glad you made it. It's good to see our blacksmith made your armor fit nicely. Also, he patched up the few holes it had to." He has a smile that shines from the lights in the room. It seems to want to break off his chiseled chin.

Man, the King is way too pretty.

"Okay, now that you're here, Emelia, let me introduce you to the few here. Then I'll try to tell you what will happen quickly." The King says. Scoping out the room, I see the people in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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