Chapter 6

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I grabbed my car keys and sat in the driver's seat of my car before Leo could claim it. He smirked and sat down. Before he could comment on Mrs. Calahan's "whisper"(it was very loud) I put on my rock playlist and listened to the rock(live) version of We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together from the 1989 world tour on full volume. He winced and turned it down.

'Jeez Ash! Be a bit wary of others' ears. Anyway, I didn't hear what Mrs. Calahan said to you if that's what you're concerned about.' I scoffed. Sure he didn't.

'No, I really didn't! Come on, I'll buy you ice cream as proof.' I looked at him suspiciously. He nodded.

'All right then. Let's go.' I turned up the music and drove to my favorite ice cream truck fifteen minutes from Mr. and Mrs. Calahan's house.

When we arrived, Leo hopped out out at once. I chuckled as I stepped out of the car.

'That excited to get away from me?' I said while locking the car.

'No, I mean yes, but mostly I had to get away from the music.' I gasped.

'Shame on you.' He grinned and took out his wallet.

'What do you want?' I grinned, and at the sight of mine, his vanished.

'I mean, you did say you would pay...' He groaned.

'One extra large ice cream- most expensive flavour, which I believe, is the chocolate truffle, with the...special cone, marshmallows, sprinkles, oreos, and whipped cream on top.' I said, while grinning all the while.

'And you?' Leo chuckled and shook his head.

'I'll have one vanilla.' I smiled.

'Basic.' He scowled at me.

'Whose fault is that?' He looked back at Pedrò, the owner of the truck. 'How much?'

'25.' He groaned. 'How much is the lady's?'

'20.' He handed Pedrò the cash and handed me my ice cream, while holding his in the other hand.

'C'mon, I have a place I wanna show you.' I led him to the grove which was my spot. I mean, not the whole place, just a small area in the center, which contained one singular bench and ivy and roses growing everywhere.

'Wow.' He was flabbergasted, as was I when I first saw it.

'I know right?'

'How'd you come by it?' said Leo.

'Well...its a long story.' He sat on the bench and motioned at me to sit on the other side.

'We have all the time in the world.'

'I came by it when I first moved to New York. I knew noone, expect for Cara, but she was away. I was driving, looking for an apartment, I had an appointment with the owner, when I got lost. My phone was dead, and I had lost my charger. I drove to the nearest lit spot, which was the ice cream truck. Pedrò let me charge my phone, and gave me a free ice cream, and boy, was I grateful. So I was walking around eating my icecream, when I saw this spot. It was stunning. There was a note on the bench. It said "If someone sees this, it means I am dead.(this isn't a mystery thing). I just want the reader to know this spot is very beloved to me. I met my true love here. Had my first kiss here. I want you to make the most of this spot. To make as many good memories as I did. Enjoy. It's all yours now." '



'Well, thanks for sharing it with me. I'm not your true love, but...' I blushed.

'Your welcome.'

We ate our icecream in silence, until Leo said something.

'While we're in the moment of telling each other things, I did hear what Mrs. Calahan said to you.'

'Oh. Ok.'

'And just ignore the " see potential in both of you, meant to be together, madly in love, blah  blah", all of that shit.' I was planning to ignore it anyway, but hearing him say it made me angry for some reason.

'She didn't say we were madly in love.'


I couldn't tell if it was just that particular lighting, but I could've sworn I saw him blush.

After a few minutes of silence, I realized something.

'If you heard Mrs. Calahan, then why'd you buy me ice cream? I mean, you didnt have to spend that money, since the only reason you bought me ice cream was to swear you didnt hear her.'

'Oh, I...uhm.' He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

'I wanted to spend time with you.'

Oh. Oh.

Alright then.

'Dumb, I know, but you were just gonna run away from me like you always do, so I thought, why not?'

He wanted to spend time with me.

That insufferable, caring, stupid, sweet ma-

'Sunshine? You there?'

'Yeah, yeah, I'm here. It's all good. No problem.'


'And I don't run from you. Not all the time.'


'I like spending time with you. Sometimes.' He chuckled.

'You old softie.' I grinned and shoved his shoulder.

Despite what I said, it was not "no problem".

He wanted to spend time with me.

I wouldn't get over this for some time.

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