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The stale air makes us wonder why the hell an AC is there in the first place. The disheveled classroom makes some wonder why is are the people here so messy with their lives.

The next part is what I wonder and ponder and surrender at the end. Why are people there at all. The answer just pops out cause they survived the ice ages, cause they conquered between Australopithecus, Homo erectus and Neanderthals (they were the other sets of mammals with the same potential as us btw). Maybe its cause the homo sapiens liked each other enough to work with each other ...or maybe cause they needed to. Just think, pyramids wouldn't be possible without the organization between humans, ideas like philosophy won't be there if people weren't there ( I mean philosophy at its root is people unhappy with one another and wanting to do something about it). Yes that must be it, cause just think, Neanderthals were almost superhumans but their individuality was too great for their own species to evolve, so it destroyed them. YUP, I'M CONVINCED NOW, I said to myself aloud, unaware. Then I got out of the daze, and looked in front of me. nobody noticed me say anything. Nobody even turned their heads to see me mutter, the professor was just teaching like usual; I felt ...normal?

I don't know, not anymore. I have never wanted to stand out or anything, but isn't standing out like so protagonisque or u'know the teacher or professor just calling them out and making fun of them so main charaacterisque? Yes it is but so what I will still live like this lost in the thoughts of wonders, going nowhere with this because c'mon I don't have it in me. To be THE centre of a storm. That only a mc can do. So what do I do? I go back to my wonders sitting in the middle surrounded by stupid people because I chose this life. I chose this cause its comfortable like this. Maybe I'll loiter around like this for the rest of my life and become the character you see blur in the background of a movie.

Maybe I'll eat a stale bread for breakfast and work in an office with a centralized AC with the same stale air and surrender to my ponder about wonders.

E/ Hello its been a while since I wrote something, and at first glance I wanna get into a comfortable hole and never come out again, but its fine this is the first time. I felt frustrated while typing cause I used to be better at infusing my writings with emotion, but its because I used to read much which made me feel. I will start reading again and feeling again. /E

STALE BREADOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant