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When I came to my senses, I was alone in a run-down laboratory. My hands tied down to the gurney. I almost immediately panic at the situation in which I am in.

At that moment, a blurred figure enters, hiding something behind their back.

'Hello, my dear', he spoke
'Do not fear, we're here to help'
I then see the faintest glint from the item behind his back....a needle.
At the sight of this, I'm distressed
He slowly approaches me and checks me over for any possible zombie bites.
'Hush now child, I'm not here to hurt you'

He injects me with some strange orange vial, and my head goes all fuzzy.
He looks down at me, satisfied that I'm now calm and not infected by the deadly plague of a disease that was the zombie bite.
He enters the room, cautiously, as not to scare me
'Now child, all seems to be in order. I can get you off this table'
He unties the restrains so that I am free.
I don't know where I am, but I've learnt that trust is earned.

I remain wary of the Stranger as we enter a room, filled with many a people.

In a matter of seconds, a boy my age barges up to me, pinning me against a wall.
His brown, matted, curly hair flowing into his features.

He seems familiar somehow

He punches me in the face
"You Bitch!"

"James... always a pleasure"

"You left us!"

"I did no such thing"

"You said you'd stay!.... You promised"

"And you think I had a choice in that?"

"Well you left, didn't you?"

"Not by choice!...." I notice the crowd around us staring, eyeing me with caution. "Look, can we talk about this somewhere a little more private?"

James takes us to a secluded area where we could talk in oeace without attracting any unwanted attention.

"Look, James I-"

"No! No more excuses. I want the truth. Not some children's story filled with hope and promises of the future. I'm not a child, not anymore. I've changed since the apocalypse, grown up. So, cut the crap and spill it. Cause I'm not letting you leave until I learn the truth. The reason why the oh so great Elle Vermont left the defenceless group of children at the Orphanage, to be stuck with the worthless piece of crap of a guardian to look after us."

"I just couldn't stay anymore. I had to leave."

"Bullshit, I want a real reason."

"You're not the only one who has changed since the apocalypse."

"And what's that supposed to mean? You're avoiding the question."

"It means that sometimes things happen that are beyond your control."

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