Date pt.2

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Around 5:30 you got in your car and started to drive to William's house.

-You arrive to William's house and you knock on his door-

-He opens the door-

William: "Y/n! You made it. Please come in."

Y/n: "Thanks for inviting me over William."

William: "No problem." -he pulls you inside and closes the door-

Y/n: "Wow that was quick."

William: "I know I just really wanted to see you."

-He starts to kiss your neck slowly-

Y/n: "Mmm~ William..."

William: "Am I hurting you somehow?"

Y/n: "No it just feels good."

William: "Let's continue then." -He continues to kiss your neck-

Y/n: "Agh~ You're so hot."

William: "You're so cute."

William Afton x reader Where stories live. Discover now