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The pizza oven you fell asleep in, was set to an automatic 2 hour timer as soon as the rusted metal door squeaked closed.

You thought 2 hours was a long time to cook a pizza, but at least the oven was broken and didnt heat up on you and your birth mom.

You liked hiding in the pizza oven with Billie.

It was much better napping with your Mom, than sleeping in that dusty too small crib!

You dreamt your Mom had her very own ice cream truck - ICELISH!

You got to ride around town with her selling ice cream!

Everyone was jealous that you got to eat free ice cream from your Mom's truck whenever you wanted!

In fact, you were eating the most delicious bubblegum ice cream when your Mom abruptly woke you up from your nap.

You were a little startled at first - waking up in the dark- but as you heard Billie's excited squeals beside you, you remembered you two were just hiding in the rusted old pizza oven.

You were still half asleep when she shoved her nipple into your mouth and told you to drink up -
that her milk had finally come in!

You had never had breastmilk before......and it certainly didn't taste like any milk you had ever had before.

It tasted like sweet soap.

You didn't want to hurt your mom's feelings..... especially since she was so excited about finally being able to "properly bond" with you....

You decided to just pretend to drink her soapy milk.....

You purposely didn't suck hard enough to actually get any milk out.

You made a lot of gulping sounds like you were really swallowing it down though.

That old expired baby formula you drank the other day actually tasted much better than this breast milk......

Maybe it just takes a while for breastmilk to taste good after it comes in.

Billie was stroking your hair and humming as you cuddled close to her, "drinking" her milk.

You were actually starting to fall back asleep when the loud DING rang out and the pizza oven door popped right open!

Light flooded into the large oven making you squint at the harshness and turn away.

That's when you heard the terrible scream of horror and feet running away as a voice screamed, "-ZOMBIE!"

You didn't know what was going on, but as your Mom helped you out of the oven, you noticed the open door at the end of the hall leading to sunlight.

A basement exit door.

Whoever was in here poking around escaped out the exit.

Billie didn't even mention the stranger though.

She just picked you up and carried you right upstairs with a wide smile of pride on her face.

You passed by a lot of people in the hallways who all wanted to fawn over you.

You just hid your face against your mom -embarrassed at all of the attention.

You thought becoming an O'Connell again meant you wouldnt be thrusted into the spotlight....but clearly you were wrong.

You were actually slightly relieved to see your familiar dusty room again.

In fact you didn't even fuss when your birth Mom put you in your crib and said she'll be right back!

She hurried out of the room, while you sat in your crib staring at the open door.

When you saw the other curious faces popping up in the doorway to look in at you, you purposely turned your back on them and decided to play with an old block.

It was pretty boring turning it around and around in your hands....

You threw it outside of the crib and laid down on your back.

You stretched out to yawn....and were surprised when your feet didn't touch the end of the crib.

You stretched as long as you could....but it seemed as if the crib had gotten bigger!

You sat up and realized the bars had gotten higher too!

You were wondering who snuck in here and fixed your old crib.

You could hear the doctor as he got closer to your room.

He was talking to someone about your Dad!

He said your Dad was in the recovery room and the lobotomy was a successful procedure.

That he was going to be a brand new man!

You didn't know what that meant, but the shock on the doctor's face when he walked into your room and saw how big your crib was now, made him drop his phone on the ground!

He gasped as he ran up beside your crib!

You wanted to tell him how much you liked all the extra leg room but you remembered how the doctor likes when you act like a baby, so you just made happy baby sounds.

Your birth mom came hurrying back into the room with an armful of toys as the doctor was still gawking over you.

"-See! Didn't I tell you! It's my breastmilk! She drunk it and look at her!" Billie gushed as she dumped all the broken up toys into your crib.

You actually didn't know what your Mom was talking about.

You only had a little sip of her nasty milk....

You didn't actually feel any different at all....but as you reached for a shiny rattle you caught a glimpse of your own reflection.....making your mouth promptly drop as you realized your crib hadn't grown bigger at all!

You had shrunk!

Your arms, your legs, your head - everything!

You looked like a 3 year old!

"Whaaaa?!" Was the shocked, high pitched sound that came from your agape mouth as you took in your reflection.

"- Astonishing results! How many ounces did she take?" The doctor asked your Mom.

Billie shrugged, "She was drinking for a long time!"

"This is wonderful news, Billie! Wonderful! At this rate - you'll both be able to restart the entire mother daughter bonding process!" The doctor said.

He snatched his phone up off the floor and hung up on whoever he was talking to, to take pictures of you and Billie.

The doctor said this was the breakthrough research that would put his name into history books....and all you have to do is drink more of Billie's special breastmilk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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