Trouble in the Netherworld

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The Netherworld was the realm where the souls of the deceased yokai go after their lives meet their end in Phantasma. It's also the home of the undead yokai, most notably the gashadokuro. SF, the first gashadokuro created, was the laid back and casual guardian of this realm and helped take care of the yokai souls and the undead yokai there.

It was yet another peaceful time in this realm. SF was doing what she always did: sleeping on her scythe, which was shaped like a crescent moon, with a smile on her face. Even though she was the guardian of the Netherworld, she didn't really do much of anything other than relax on her special scythe, which she used to control the souls of the realm. She was having a peaceful sleep, until she was woken up.

"SF! SF!"

SF's eyes flashed open and she fell off her scythe and turned to who woke her up. It was Mirage, a young Jiangshi who was originally a yokai, though her body was taken to the Netherworld, as her soul didn't completely leave her body.

"Ugh, what is it, Mirage?" SF groaned.

"Come quick! There's something wrong with the souls!"

SF got on her feet, picked up her scythe, and followed Mirage. Later, Mirage stopped at where she saw the trouble, and SF looked shocked at the sight. The formless souls of the yokai were tainted with a purple aura, and were behaving in a rather chaotic manner.

"Huh?! What the heck's going on with the souls?!" SF asked in shock.

"I dunno!" Mirage answered. "They were acting like normal earlier, and then the next moment, this just happened!"

"What could've caused them to act like this?"

Then, the two heard an evil, sinister chuckle. Mirage flinched with fear and hid behind SF, who raised her scythe, preparing for combat. Suddenly, purple mist appeared beneath their feet, and from that mist, Darklead appeared.

"How amusing," he spoke. "You call yourself the guardian of this realm, yet you could not keep an eye on these poor souls."

He laughed in a mocking manner, controlling the souls.

"Not you again," SF groaned.

"SF, do you know him?" Mirage asked.

"Sadly, yeah I do. He tried to challenge the queen for the throne, but I managed to stop him in time." 

"Hmph, even if you didn't step in, I still would have gained my victory and have the throne," Darklead said.

"Shut your trap, dude!" SF said, pointing her scythe at him. "It's one thing to challenge Her Highness for the throne, but messing with the souls here in the Netherworld? That's crossing the line, buddy!"

Darklead only chuckled. "So, you wish to challenge me as well?"

"I wouldn't call it a challenge. It's more of a 'I'm gonna beat you senseless so you can leave the souls alone' kinda thing."

"Very well. Let's see how strong you are."

Darklead used the souls as projectiles, firing them at SF. SF raised her scythe, summoning a barrier made of bones, blocking the souls. She then fired the bones at Darklead, who dodged them.

"Ugh, hold still!"

Using her scythe, SF controlled the bones to attack Darklead. Darklead, however, used another soul to create a shield to block them.

"You are strong, for an undead yokai," he said. "Now, witness the extent of my power!"

Darklead commanded the souls to come to him, and they merged into a scythe similar to SF.

"Ok, now we're talkin'!"

SF charged at Darklead, and the two began to engage in combat, just how she liked it. Mirage was observing the fight from further away, somewhat scared, which Darklead noticed in the midst of their fight.

"My, it seems that there is one soul I missed."

Darklead pinned SF down and with a snap of his fingers, Mirage's body began to glow with a purple aura, which caused her pain.


Darklead laughed. "Now tell me, self proclaimed guardian, what will you do? Continue to fight me, or save her?"

This was a tough decision. SF wanted to continue to fight Darklead to free the souls from his control, and at the same time, she wanted to save Mirage.

"Make your choice, guardian of the Netherworld," Darklead said, pressing down on SF more with his soul scythe.

"SF!" Mirage exclaimed.

She growled with anger, unsheathed her claws, and attacked Darklead.

"What?! How-?!"

"The thing is, my soul didn't completely leave my body!"

SF grinned and pushed Darklead off of her with her scythe.

"Ha ha! Who's the stronger one now, huh?!" she taunted, pointing her scythe at him.

Darklead smirked and snapped his fingers, his ghostly scythe separating back into the normal souls, who began to fly around SF and Mirage happily.

"That's it? You don't wanna continue fighting? I still have a whole beat down planned for you!"

"I have no desire to continue fighting," Darklead said. "I merely did this to test your strength against me, and you certainly have proven yourself strong, Netherworld guardian."

"Uh...thanks? I guess?"

"But know that the strength you carry will never compare to mine, and the throne shall belong to me. Until next time..."

He vanished.

"That guy's a total weirdo," Mirage said.

"Tell me about it," SF responded.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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