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Y/n heard kims talking

Y/n :- what if he doesn't love me, unnie?

Jimin :- y/n, we know our kookie, even if he has a cold face he has a soft heart, so don't worry

Jimin smiled for making y/n comfortable and hobi put her hands around y/n's shoulder

Hobi :- you naughty, already worried about your future husbands feelings

Hobi teased her but she just smiled for that question and went to her room and locked

Y/n :- it's not that i care if he loves me Or not, I don't want any issues in my life

Y/n sat on her bed hugging her legs

Y/n :- I don't like being involved in problem and as I heard jungkook is a person who gets angry fastly and always made problems in collage, that's why me kim send him to Italy for learning business with manners may be he have changed but......

Y/n started to have a bad feeling for this marriage

"I don't feel anything towards him I mean how would I? I have never seen him in person, he never come to see me, he just avoid meeting me"

Then y/n heard her phone ringing, she wasn't in a mood to pick up, so she tried avoiding but it kept ringing so she look at the phone and saw an unknown number, she took the call

Y/n :- umm... Hello who is this?

??? :- don't you know me? (Cold voice)

Y/n :- I don't remember, can you introduce yourself

Jungkook :- I'm jungkook, do you want more details (annoyed voice)

Y/n quickly got up in excitement

Y/n:- I'm sorry, yeah tell me

Jungkook :- yk I couldn't come today

Y/n :- oh yeah it okay no need to apol--

Y/n was cut off by jungkook

Jungkook :- can you just let me finish my sentence? (Annoyed)

Y/n :- oh.. I'm sorry.. Please continue

Y/n replied in a low voice

Jungkook :- so my father have told to help you pick up the wedding dress, so come to the nearest mall tomorrow

Y/n :- okay but I have class tomor--

Before y/n could finish he hang up the phone making y/n sad

Y/n :- may be he is busy

Y/n said to make herself comfortable


Y/n waited for 1 hour in mall for jungkook and she called him

Y/n :- hey where are you

Jungkook :- oh.. I forgot about the mall thing... Just wait a little more

Jungkook hang up the phone, y/n was now angry it felt jungkook doesn't give a fuck about her time, she was waiting for him skipping her college

Then she saw someone coming towards her and he introduced himself

Jackson :- hey, I'm Jackson, I'm Mr jeon's bodyguard, he told he to help you with shopping

Y/n :- but it's our wedding isn't he supposed to come with me, huh?

Jackson :- it's his exercise time he can't come

Y/n :- why does he have to do this to me, I have been waiting for him here skipping my class

Jackson :- if you have anything to say, I will come him for you

Jackson called jungkook and put it on speaker

Jackson :- sir, mam has something to tell you

Jungkook :- what is it (cold voice)

Jungkook's cold voice gave a whole shiver to y/n

Y/n :- umm... Why.. Didn't you... Came?

Jungkook :- I'm busy and I'm not good at choosing dress, so I made Jackson come to you

Y/n :- you are just exercising right?

Jungkook :- I don't want to stand there and be like statue 🙄 if you are uncomfortable tell me

Y/n :- then will you come?

Jungkook :- no, I will send jimin unnie to you

Y/n :- n.. No need I will pick it with my friends

Jungkook :- okay, your choice, Jackson return back

Jungkook hang up the phone

Jackson :- if you need anything, you can all me call mam

Jackson left bowing her politely

Y/n left for shopping, she didn't bother to disturb her friends then she saw some girls, it was y/n's enemies

Lia :- look who is that?

Mira :- what happened girly, didn't your husband came for shopping for your wedding dress

They made fun of y/n but she decided to keep quite as she doesn't want to involve in any problem

Lia :- what you talking about mira? Her future hubby isn't even ready to meet her ugly face, didn't you heard that he went to his friends rather than seeing her

Y/n felt a pain in her heart thinking the things they are telling is also true, she didn't want to cry in front of them, she wanted her friends near her for support

Mira :- may be because your make up is a disaster and hopeless

Stay tunned!!

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