"I Bet on Losing dogs"

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Eyes represent a vision of someone's mind, it may also visualize the surroundings they may see. The purpose to look, to have the clarity of sight must be an amazing thing. I could only rely upon a pair of spectacles for me to see clearly, perhaps it was a lifelong curse to earn this. Without them my nearsighted eyes could only see through a lightly blurry background, it could be worse if it was dark.

There is a man I laid my eyes out for by the front, a Shaolin monk to be specific. He had a silly little bob cut that somewhat looks like a wolfcut that hid a red headband underneath its bangs. His eyes were so pure of hope that it was brighter than my future (I'M KIDDING LMAO), irises burned an oak brown with his face of a prince and the body of a wrestler. His name was Liu Kang, the man who shone proudly of the colors of Earthrealm.

I watch him in his fight with Kitana as I felt confident for him, seeing to what he does as he fights the princess of Edenia. "Go Liu Kang!!" I shout from the crowd as I cheered him on to fight, seeing go with his well-trained bicycle kicks and set of moves with his nunchucks against Kitana's blades over her fans, seeing the monk win easily as he won as Earthrealm's champion. Having me smiling as he did well once he exited out of the arena. "You did it!!" I told Liu Kang as I approached him. "That was amazing! Kitana was one of Edenia's finest warriors!" Kung Lao told him as he smiles, with me only noticing a blush on his face as he smiled sweetly.

"We should rest up after for what we all have achieved, everyone did a good work equally." Liu stated as I agreed to his idea. "You're right, let's back before attending the celebration party." I say as Kung Lao and I raced with Liu Kang down to our rooms to clean up and get ready. Working our way into the party as the Earthrealm champions, we were greeted by the lively banquet that Kitana held over the room now I felt like I was lost to my little world as I knew nobody else but my small band of friends with Kung Lao and Liu Kang.

Candle-lit walls with the lively chatter that filled the air as we enter, traditional music by Outworlders had been either sung or played with instruments as there were people waltzing into a circle. Having us caught by attention as everyone looked as elegant as we did, the room was just as dreamy as a disney princess's dream. What only came missing for me, was my own prince. And I turned to my left as I see him amazed at the sight of a party held by royalty, the sweetest blend of brown eyes that resemble the light-streaked molasses of honey as he looked at the ball. Liu was just as nervous as me and Kung Lao, not knowing how to blend in, the three of us just headed for a small corner to chat in.

"We really need to go see Bo Rai Cho! Right after this!" Kung Lao laughed with us. "I swear! He's gotta be a really cool guy to meet with! Right Liu Kang?" I turn to Liu's direction. "Oh hell yeah! We could head out and maybe find out what he's up to-" "Liu Kang?" Kitana's voice then chimed in as Liu turns to her direction. The princess stood elegantly as he looks up at Liu Kang, had I only been cowering in jealousy as I did not try or make an effort to do my best. Her dress looked that of a princess as I had only worn whatever looked pretty for the party, a blue in rivalry of a darker color of purple. Liu Kang ever was so indulged by her beauty that cannot be called as equal to mine, though knowing that I couldn't afford to look better as she was just as beautiful as her mother.

"Yes Kitana?" Liu Kang spoke out as I notice to my right that Kung Lao supported the two of them. Laying back with a feeling that I had been ghosted by the small band I call friends, now witnessing them circling around the princess they have only heard of and act like closer friends as if I didn't exist at all to them. Hath it not been Kitana in the room, I would've been spending my time with my friends in this ballroom I am to be emptied around. The more I look around, the fewer the people I spoke not to. A living hell for an introvert as one could possibly say, but a heartbreaking release as I could only see my loving friend bearing the eyes to look at another woman of his liking.

I felt deaf and alone as I see Liu Kang slowly fade into the distance of the room with Kitana held in a trance of a loving waltz, heart sunken empty as it was not me in her place. My heart was ever so late as I could only watch them dance in the light of the show. Here and there I stand as my only feel to love, torn as they shared a sweet kiss only for my tear to drop sorrowfully with my footsteps having me to turn away as I silently sob to myself. "Here and I'll bet on a losing dog...." Air exhaled shakily as I couldn't face the man whom I call a friend, stay Kahnum's lover.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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