Chapter Fifty Eight - Daella

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There are more lights on than usual. I don't like dark corners anymore, don't like the images that come to mind when I see them, of what could be hiding away in them.

Is this what it will be like forever? Will I always be haunted by those nightmares? I haven't given myself time to process them, to even think about them. I don't want to think about them, I don't want to remember them or see them. I just wish they would leave, that the memories of them would leave.

There are so many things to be scared of, so many things in my life that I have been terrified of, but to have seen and felt and experienced them all in such vivid detail. I shudder, forcing the thoughts from my mind and lighting another candle.

I stand closer to the fire, dragging the chair closer to the bright flames.

I didn't like being alone anymore. The familiar walls of the room have become sinister and ominous.

A knock on my door startles me making me gasp. Placing a hand over my chest I stand and walk towards my door, opening it slowly I see Alvaryn and feel myself relax.

"Evening." He smiles as I open the door wider.

"What are you doing here so late?" I ask as he steps inside and I close the door behind him.

"I want to take you somewhere." He smiles down at me, excitement behind his silver eyes.

"Take me somewhere? It's the middle of the night!" I smile, shaking my head as he takes my hands in his and kisses them.

"I know, it's the perfect time." He smiles.

"The perfect time for what?"

"You have to come see." He replies cryptically and I can't help but be drawn into his excitement.

"Am I even allowed?"

"Well no, technically, but I know the guards outside, and I know a private way to where we are going so we won't be seen. We won't be leaving the palace walls so don't look so terrified. I promise, nothing will happen to you." He says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and resting his hand on my neck.

I take a deep breath looking around the room and at the darkness that still manages to eek its way into the corners.

"Lead the way!" I say, just glad I won't be alone.

He pulls me closer with his hand at my neck and presses his lips against mine in a quick soft kiss.

"A small kind of adventure." He smiles and I can't help but smile back.

He takes my hand and leads me out of my room, the guards that are usually standing along the corridor are all looking elsewhere as we make our way past them. Alvaryn moves quickly, his long legs leading the way as I nearly skip to keep up.

He leads me through quiet halls, turning down passages I have never been and up stone stairways that seem to go on forever.

"Nearly there." He says over his shoulder as I continue to follow him up and up until I feel like we might be able to reach the clouds if we go any further.

We stop at a set of large wooden doors with brass handles, he pushes them open and I follow him inside. The large room is lit with candles and above the ceiling is made of glass, just like the atrium and I can't help the small gasp that escapes my lips as I take in the sight.

The night sky full of stars shines above and I am transfixed by the beauty and splendour.

"Welcome to the observatory." Alvaryn says close to my shoulder. "It is used by scholars and astrologists to study the wonders and majesty of the stars and planets."

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