Countless Thoughts

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Leah thought Ishakan was taking advantages of the situation, but impulsively she sat down on his thighs anyway. He embraced her politely and firmly, but was careful not to touch her inappropriately. She couldn't help but giggle. He was acting like a real chair.

There was a sense of comfort and stability as she leaned against him, stretching from her chest to her fingertips. It was a peculiar situation, and she had to restrain herself from resting her face on his shoulder.

Ishakan pulled a palm-sized cookie out of his pocket, wrapped in a paper bag. It was a mix of chocolate chips, fruit, and nuts, lush enough that it seemed like half the cookie would be enough to fill her stomach. He slipped the wrapper off and placed the cookie in Leah's hand.

"You haven't forgotten your promise, have you?"

Right. The promise to accept whatever he gave her was still valid. Leah looked at the cookie for a long time before she took a careful bite. Chewing it delicately, she found it pleasantly moist, the sweetness awakening all her dormant senses. She swallowed and pronounced it delicious.

Her mouth watered at the thought of more, but she handed the rest back to Ishakan, ignoring her pleading taste buds. Instead of taking the cookie, he took her hand and guided it to his own mouth, taking a bite that was just as small as hers.

"Tastes good," he said. "Why don't you eat more?"

"Because I'm full," she replied, and quickly changed the subject. She didn't want him to ask her to eat more."Please tell me about the queen."

When it seemed that changing the subject wouldn't be enough and he would complain, she added, "How did you know she was a Gypsy?"

She waited for him to answer her question, but however long she waited, not a word came out of his mouth. She was about to press him some more when suddenly he chuckled and moved Leah's hand, still clutching the cookie in her fingers, back to her lips. He knew she was trying to stop him from making her eat more. He wasn't easily fooled.

"I'll tell you as soon as you finish eating," he said. Sweetness flashed in his eyes as he smiled, and looking up at them, she agreed and bit slowly into the cookie once more.

Her taste buds were happy to receive the rich sugary flavor, the soft texture of the cookie, the robust crunch of the nuts and the melting chocolate, blending with the pieces of fruit. She felt euphoric with the sensations, but she still regretted it. She shouldn't have taken that first bite, it would have been much easier to control her impulses if she hadn't tasted it. Now the cookie was implanted in her mind. It was harassing her with its presence.

But even though she knew she shouldn't eat it, she couldn't stop herself. The impulsive desire was unfamiliar, but the craving made her devour more and more until it was gone. She was embarrassed. She had been lying. She had never been full.

Ishakan reached out and gently grazed the corners of her lips, brushing the cookie crumbs away. Reflexively, she squeezed the wrapper. She had soiled herself, eating so hastily.

She was embarrassed. She must have looked very rude, forgoing all etiquette to enjoy a snack. Unfortunately, this seemed like a recurring pattern. She didn't know why, but every time she was with Ishakan her usually miniscule appetite increased dramatically. She felt guilty for her lack of self control.

Regretting it, she fiddled with the cookie wrapper until Ishakan took it from her and crumpled it up. And all she could think as she watched was that she yearned for more cookies...

Leah realized what she was thinking and chided herself harshly. When she had looked in the mirror last night, she had gained weight. Now, since she had eaten the cookie, she would starve herself the rest of the day to be sure she wouldn't gain any more. Perhaps she should consider a smaller breakfast tomorrow morning, too.

"I finished the cookie," she said. "Now, will you answer my questions?"

"Well, okay," Ishakan replied reluctantly. Leah gave him a sharp look and he sighed. "Well, there's a Kurkan who knows sorcery. I found out the Queen is a gypsy with his help."

"Sorcery... So that Kurkan is also a Gypsy?"

"Yes. Tomari blood flows within him."

Surprised, Leah took a deep breath. Unlike the Kurkans, whose savage heritage was visible at a glance, gypsies' features were more subtle and lacked any animal quality. The two groups had always been antagonistic to each other. Even now the gypsies were fleeing from the Kurkans' persecution.

It was clear that there was more that Ishakan hadn't told her, aside from the fact that the two groups were somehow related.Leah hesitated.

"Why...why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asked.

"I've been busy."

That wasn't an excuse. Leah had been busy, too, with all the problems cropping up around her.

"Besides," Ishakan added, "There was no reason to tell you, right? You'll put Byun Gyeongbaek on the throne if I allow you to bend me, princess. I have to keep some secrets."

Leah kept her mouth shut. She could feel his intense gaze on her, and it felt strange to pretend to ignore it, since their faces were only inches apart. He wasn't shy about examining her, his deep, dark pupils seeming to peer inside her.

"I don't understand you," he said.

She closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath. She had wondered what Ishakan would have done, if he were in her situation. Now, she knew. The moment the slightest opportunity presented itself, he would cut the shackles from his ankles without a moment's hesitation. And he would not flee far. He would claim vengeance on those that had subdued and mistreated him. It was not difficult to imagine Ishakan stained with the blood of her enemies.

Her efforts seemed insignificant in comparison. He wouldn't understand her. He wouldn't comprehend her desire.

"I can' it," she whispered. His eyes narrowed, and she stopped trying to avoid them. She met his gaze. "Securing the peace treaty is my last duty to Estia."

As much as she wanted to die, she didn't want to end her life irresponsibly. People who were precious to her would live on after her death. She wanted to build a solid foundation for them.

"Oh." Ishakan sighed deeply and ran a hand over her face. "I'm in trouble..."

She didn't understand. She wanted to ask what she meant, but then Ishakan smiled at her.

"Your complaint almost makes me want to accept the agreement," she said quietly. She blinked, surprised at the affection in his musical voice. Her cheeks flushed, and she said quickly,

"Making an important decision just because of something like that..."

"It's not the only reason." He moved closer to her, and she allowed their noses to touch as he whispered, "I'm serious."

Leah's eyes grew very wide. His usual teasing, mischievous attitude had vanished, and his eyes were dark and magnetic.

"Wouldn't you rather become a Kurkan's wife than marry Byun Gyeongbaek?"

Her lips parted automatically to answer, but she couldn't speak. This was something she had to think about carefully.

The Queen of the Kurkans...

Though Ishakan had suggested this in their negotiation, she had assumed he was just teasing her. She had never thought that he was truly offering her that position. So many thoughts whirled in her mind, she felt as if there were a storm raging inside her.

Was he being honest? There was no reason to trust his words. At most, they had a s3xual relationship. Superficial, a relationship where they only shared their bodies. Therefore, if their bodies changed, so would their connection.

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