Chemistry Just Got Easy

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Hey people, thanks for choosing to read this one ;)
I encourage you to keep on reading, with time this book will get better! So continue reading ^,..,^ oh yeah, Smile beautiful :)


Chapter one

Tomorrow is the first day of school. So much for having fun this summer... All I did was Watch TV , read and do chores around the hose without the possibility of ever going out thanks to been grounded by my parents (well, not entirely since Tracy was my step mom who I didn't like...... Now if I have a step mom and a Cinderella-like life where is my Prince charming... Or princess charming for that matter?...) Well, going back to being grounded... Reason was that my dad (wait..... This must be it! In the Cinderella movie she has a Prince charming afte her dad dies..... That's why it doesn't work with me ... And it won't for a couple of years and my dad still had many years ahead of him....) caught me watching a rated R movie which contain a lot of s e x scene and according to him 16 year old girls should not whatch those... Well, it didn't matter cause yesterday was my birthday and all I got was a t-shirt... So much for only turning 17 once... Not even a cake... Nice family I got here... Grrrr.

"JC, wake up!!!!!!!" Tracy yells at the top of her lungs.... I always like that expression... At the top of her lungs... And if one could really yell....

"JCCC!!!!! She yells again... dragging the 'C'.

"Gosh.. woman..." I say under my breath, rolling out of bed and sitting up, my feet over the bed and into my sandals.... I pass a hand through my hair and with a deep breath a sit up. I walk towards my adjacent  restroom and wash my face and brush my teeth then walk down the stairs towards the dining room. Once I'm in the threshold of the dining room I hear people screaming "Happy Late birthday!!!!!" And confetti is thrown at me. Some color pieces enter my mouth and I gag. Making them all laugh.

My eyes search the room. There is a big 3 milks- cake in the kitchen table along with a bunch of breakfast food. My stomach growls loudly and I turn back to look at my family. My dad grins and puts his arm across the shoulders of Tracy, her hand on her 3 months-long pregnant stomach, to her right is Cole, her son and my adopted 'Older brother' well old by only a few months... And holding his hand was five year old Cassy, my real blood sister. To whom I'm still mad at because the day she was born was the day my mom died.

"Happy billday, J sheee" she mumbles , smiling up at me, her dimples clearly visible. The same dimples that my mother had.

I smile softy at her then crush Cole with a hug. He chuckle into my ear and kisses me on the neck.

"Happy Late Birthday beautiful" he whispers, there is definitely nothing romantic between him and me... Only thing going on between us is that he knows my darkest pure secret and I know his.

That he is irrevocably in love with my best friend.... Who is a guy and That I'm totally and completely into girls.

So .. this is the first chapter. I hope you guys like it if so, then press the star....^,..,^ also...
Give me some feedback ... Everything is appreciated.

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