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'  𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐  'The Hit Factory ━━━━QUÉ CREÍASNew York, NY

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'  𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐍𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟏𝟓, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐  '
The Hit Factory ━━━━
New York, NY .ᐟ

❛ TU   QUE   CREÍAS. ❜

"Tu que creías, tu que creías? Que te ibas a encontrar un amor mejor que el mío. Que te hiciera más feliz? Pues ya ves, no es tan sencillo. Tu que creías, tu que creías? Que como yo había muchas? Que mi amor regalado. Pues ya ves equivocado." Selena's powerful vocals belted from the radio's speakers as Imani sat in the studio chair while it played.

After the argument with Eve, Imani decided to step back and focus on what was important, her music and her career. She was hurt about what was said she'll admit that, it's just that she wasn't ready to speak to her sister.

With her signature notebook on her lap, she was trying to come up with the song they wanted her to do for the Who's The Man soundtrack. So far she's come up with Give It To Me. It wasn't exactly finished yet but she had an idea of what she wanted it to be. She's had inspiration for it, taking the events that happened prior and writing it into lyrics. Call that the art of storytelling.

She was just keeping a distance from most people, even DeVanté and she wasn't so sure as to why she was even doing it in the first place. Maybe it what was Eve said that has her thinking what if she's not just saying things to be hurtful or if she's overthinking it all?

"Que creías, que ibas a regresar. Y me ibas a encontrar contenta al recibirte? Pero no, pues ya ves, que no es así." Although her Spanish wasn't the best she still sang along to the best of her ability. Imani found herself listening to Selena a lot especially her album that came out back in May. She loved the songs Qué Creías and La Carcacha.

She hoped one day that she'd be able to meet Selena and just tell her how much of an amazing singer she was. And maybe she'll give her a few pointers on how to deal with the industry.

There was also the smell of rosemary lingering around the studio as she just needed a sense of calmness. Being high energy at times can be draining and tiring. Call it being burnt out she calls it being exhausted.

Getting lost in the lyrics she heard the sound of someone knocking on the door. Not thinking much of it Imani simply said Come in and left it at that.

"Damn, are you tryna be a psychic in here? Smells like rosemary and shit." K-Ci's loud voice disrupts the once-peaceful atmosphere. The sound of sneakers scratching against the smooth flooring causes her to visibly cringe yet ignores it.

Rolling her eyes a smile appears on her face "Yeah lemme read your thoughts." She joked leaning forward to pull him into a hug.

"In here smell real nice." JoJo looks around for the smell finding it comforting. With an appreciative smile, Imani adds "Thank you, at least somebody appreciates it."

The Hailey brothers allowed themselves to enter the studio, JoJo being the one to close it behind him. Sitting in the empty chairs near her, K-Ci proceeds to open his mouth and ask "So what brings you to the studio to light up candles and listen to Selena?"

Playing with the rings on her fingers she answers "I'm just tryna find inspiration to get this damn song for that soundtrack together." Writer's block was anything but fun, especially when it left even the most creative feeling burnt.

"But I did come up with a song." She hands K-Ci her notepad for him to read "It's called Give It To Me." She watched as the brothers read through the lyrics occasionally shaking and nodding their heads.

K-Ci eventually closed the book after a couple of seconds passed and began to give his opinion on it "It's cool. Definitely for the ladies and that's what it's all about, what was the thought process if you don't mind me asking."

"It's dope I like it," JoJo adds as well.

"Well to be honest it's a little bit inspired by y'all song My Phone especially the melody where you guys go Waiting for the phone to ring huh, oh-oh." She demonstrates with a hand of her finger moving it up and down to show the notes.

"I honestly just wrote the song to write it. Use it as a distraction because things are kinda hectic right now." Hectic as in neither she nor her sister Eve are talking to one another, they end up getting in a big fight regarding her relationship with DeVanté and speaking of DeVanté she's been avoiding him. For what reason she wasn't exactly sure.

"Speakin' of that, we heard about what happened?" JoJo adds to the lingering topic. Imani sat back crossing her arms before letting out an eventual sigh, she knew that it was a matter of time before

"I figured...But did he?—" She trails off hoping that he didn't send them to talk to her in some sort of sense. She was already running away from her problems she didn't need anybody else to tell her what she already knew.

"No, he didn't. We just wanted to check on you and see what's up 'cause we haven't seen you around in a hot minute." Having been busy with their business endeavors and Jodeci as a whole, they didn't have the time to check up on each other as friends.

"I'm just tryin' to move past this whole thing I guess. I don't know." Imani answers stiffly. But forcing a smile she looks at the Hailey Brothers once again "But I'll be alright."

She'll be fine eventually. The main question in people's minds is how long will it take for her to talk to Eve. What'll happen then? And would she finally put her pride aside and talk to DeVanté?

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