Chapter Seventeen: Hunting I

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Tempo High School

  Jay had dropped off Sia from Eon Academy; he had made his way to Tempo and met up with Rośe and her group. The group had talked along the way to Tempo and were currently in the hallways of the school. Making their way to their homeroom classes. "Jay, are you planning on going to Gale after school?" Ryo asked as the group stood in front of Kokori's homeroom class. "Yeah, I'll be there. Are you and Rośe going too?" Jay responded with a smile on his face. "Yeah, we are." Ryo responded while Rośe nodded with a smile on her face. "If we're done, I'm going into my homeroom." Kokori spoke out, making her way into her homeroom. "Ah, see you Kokori." Ren said, the four waving to Kokori.

  The four walked throughout the school, talking to each other, and getting to know how the others were doing. Ryo and Ren were in homerooms, leaving Rośe and Jay. "Rośe, you're my upperclassman, right?" Jay asked, double checking. "Yeah, I'm just a year older." Rośe responded, answering Jay's question. "Ah, well, I guess I should've been calling you with an honorific." Jay said, chuckling with an awkward smile on his face. "Ah, no, it's fine. We'll be working together anyways. So it doesn't really matter!" Rośe said, waving her hands back and forth in front of her. The two made their way to Jay's homeroom as they talked to each other. "See you later Rośe!" Jay said, getting into his homeroom. "Yeah, see you later!" Rośe responded with a smile on her face.

  Rośe walked around the halls of the school, she checked her phone, looking at the recent news. - X-Factor has continued their pursuit - >Dah... Zhanghao... you haven't stopped..< Rośe thought to herself, a gloomy look on her face as she read the recent news that has gone through the internet. "Hey! Rośe! Are you staying after school?" A girl ran up to Rośe with a bright smile on her face, a look of happiness and care-free nature. "Ah! Aimi! You surprised me!" Rośe said, her gloomy look disappeared from her face, getting rid of it as soon as the short girl ran up in front of her. "Hehe!" Aimi giggled to herself when Rośe spoke out in surprise. "Well? Are you coming?!" The short girl asked with seemingly stars in her eyes, looking up at Rośe. "Ah, sorry Aimi. I can't come to dance club today. I have to work at Gale Agency!" Rośe said, with a soft smile on her face as she put her hand on the short girl's head. "Aww..." Aimi said with a disappointed look on her face, really wanting Rośe to come to the club today. "Perhaps when I have a free day, okay?" Rośe said, reassuring Aimi that she would come to the dance club another time. "Really?! Okay!" Aimi said out loud, the bright look on her face was back as she practically jumped up. Aimi ran off with a happy look on her face, >Such a pure hearted girl...< Rośe thought to herself with a sad smile on her face as she watched Aimi run off.


Kokori's Homeroom

  Kokori's homeroom class doesn't do much, all the class does is either socialize with each other or do their own things. And Kokori is one of them, she doesn't talk to anyone in the class, she finds talking to others bothersome on her end. Although with the exception of her friends, she doesn't mind being around them as they aren't as loud as her classes. Kokori was reading some comedy books. They were the few things that gave her some sort of feelings. "Hey, Kokori!" One of the students yelled out, getting Kokori's attention, while also irritating her. "... what." Kokori responded in an aggressive tone, hoping it would get the other students to not bother her. "I was wondering what you were doing after school. You barely do after school activities." The girl asked, hands behind her back. "Why do you want to know?" Kokori responded, irritated that she was interrupted from her reading. "Well, since I'm part of the school's news club, I've been asking students around on what they do!" The girl responded, having a proud smile on her face. Kokori took an irritated sigh, the only choice she had to get rid of her was to answer.

[HIATUS] Two Sides of the Same CoinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora