Chapter 9 ~ Aria

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"So what is the plan exactly?" Willow asked. "How are you going to find Ambroz's real killer?"

"Shh!" I said, grabbing her hand and hiding behind a bush. "I hear the palace guards. Keep quiet."

"I saw her head that way!" Yelled one of the guards.

When they finally left, I stood up and gestured for Willow to follow me. We stumbled upon a cellar just beyond the castle, hidden with magic. To my surprise, I was able to unlock it. Strange, I thought. This hasn't always been here.

Willow entered first and I followed. The door disappeared behind me. Looks like it can only be opened and closed with magic, good to know.

When we finally reached the bottom, Willow took in her surroundings. There were bookshelves and magical items everywhere.

"What is this place?" She asked, looking around.

I saw a desk at the end of the room and walked towards it. There was a nameplate engraved on a piece of wood. King Richard, it read.

"It can't be," I trembled.

"What did you find? Who does this belong to?" Willow asked.

"It' father's study, where he used to practice magic," I said, tears forming in my eyes. "He promised it to me in his will, shortly after his death, but I was never able to find it..."


2 years ago

"Aria, it's time," Ambroz said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged him off. "Leave me alone,"

He sighed. "No matter what you keep telling yourself, it wasn't your fault,"

"Yes, it was. Who else is there to blame?" I cried. "He's gone because of me. He's gone because I let–"

Why couldn't I say his name? Why couldn't I tell Ambroz who killed our father? That damn Ryker really did think of everything.

"Look," Ambroz said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Mother told me not to give this to you, but I think you really need it. Just don't tell her you have it,"

He handed me an envelope sealed with our family crest. My father's handwriting spelled Aria on the front.

"Just come downstairs when you're done. Everyone's waiting for you," Ambroz said as he walked away, shutting the door behind him.

I shakily opened the letter, which read:

"My dearest Aria,

If you're reading this letter, then my journey has ended, and my spirit finds comfort knowing that you hold this piece of me in your hands. As my beloved daughter, you've always been the light of my life, and I leave you with a legacy as timeless as the love between us.

Beyond our palace lies a chamber of ancient wonders hidden in the woods – my study. It's a place where our family's wisdom and the mysteries of the universe come together. This sanctuary is now yours to explore, filled with knowledge and magic passed down through our lineage.

Embrace this gift with the same courage and curiosity that has always defined you. Let the magic within those walls be a guiding light in your life, a source of wisdom and strength. But remember, my dear, that true power is found in balance and compassion.

As I step into history, I walk with you in spirit. You are never alone. May this chamber fuel your journey and connect you with the tapestry of our family's legacy.

With eternal love,



I wiped a tear from my face. No time for crying, I thought.

Willow's voice caught my attention. "Is there anything in here that can help us find Ambroz's killer?"

I sighed. "I'm not sure. Father never mentioned anything about what was in his study. We should probably look around,"

Before Willow could ask me anything else, I walked over to the other end of the room. I grabbed a few books off the shelves and started skimming through them.

A few minutes later, Willow spoke again. "With all of this going on, I never got to ask; How are you feeling? About Ambroz's...death?"

"It's...complicated, you know. Ambroz and I, we had our differences, to say the least. Growing up wasn't easy with him. You know we didn't have the best relationship." I said, not looking up from my book.

"But he was still your brother," Willow responded, "Despite everything you did to push him away, he loved you."

When I didn't respond, she continued. "I know how hard it is for you to express your feelings, especially what happened after your father's death. So if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be here."

It was silent after that. We spent the whole night reading and experimenting with the different magical artifacts, none of which seemed helpful for our situation. When I finally decided I've had enough, I went outside to get some fresh air.

The forest was quiet and peaceful, aside from the guards yelling orders from the castle. Sitting outside on my balcony and just admiring the view was something I looked forward to every night. When I was welcome in my own home, I thought. As much as I hated most of the people there, I did miss the castle.

A ruffling sound in the bushes interrupted my thoughts. I froze, thinking it could be a royal guard. Have they found me already? I panicked, gathering my magic into the form of a fireball in my hand.

"Who's there?" I whisper-yelled.

There was no reply.

"Show yourself before I throw this fireball at you!"

Still no response.

I sighed. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. There was no way someone could find me out here, I concealed the space with magic. I turned around and headed back towards the study when all of a sudden, I heard someone clear their throat.

"Hello, Princess." 

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