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Y/N L/N was known to be the most talented girl in school but she was never really one to accept or want friends

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Y/N L/N was known to be the most talented girl in school but she was never really one to accept or want friends.

She was good at everything, arts and crafts, fencing and she was known to be intelligent. Her grades were straight A's...if it weren't A's it would be straight 1*. (A/n: This is my school's grading system in rl)

But it wasn't really anything she wanted. Today her school had they're football nationals. Her brother was in this team and of course they won but she can tell from afar that her brother didn't seem to happy about it. What's that saying...oh "a smile doesn't mean they're happy,"

You can say that Y/n and her brother has always tried to live on they're parents expectations. So in order for that they had to cut all of their previous dreams.

Y/n wanted to be a soccer/football player when she was just a child but when her parents knew they ruined that dream of hers. Akio, her brother dreamed to be a musician but they made sure that never last.

In conclusion, you can say that the L/n siblings have always Loathe their own caregivers. They never cared about what Y/n and Akio wanted, all they cared about was their wealth, their fame and their status.

The L/n siblings went home feeling exhausted as always. When they arrived it was of course silent. They're maids, the drivers were there but what they mean by silent they mean by their parents were not around again.

Akio went to the couch while Y/n went into the kitchen to eat. Siting on the kitchen counter one of the maids called her name. "Miss Y/n...a letter came in for you today," she informed.

She looked at the made perplexed but she took the letter anyways. As she ripped the envelope she asked, "was it just for me or did my brother received one as well?"

The maid nodded in reply. She took the note out of the letter and began to read it.

Dear Y/n L/n,

How have you been my dear neice. You must be confused why I'm writing this letter to you and your brother. I have suggestion for you and him.

Lately I have created a building for a program or in other words a project which I like to name it as Blue Lock. It where I will lock up 300 u-18 forwards in order to achieve something that might be impossible.

I want to create a striker amongst these 300 forwards that could lead Japan's for it's victory.

I know you don't want anything to do with this said sport but I won't put you in this program all I am asking is for yours as well as your brother's assistant.

If that's not to much to ask.

I'll give you and Akio 24 hours to reply

-Jinpachi Ego

Y/n finished reading the letters in disgust. She hated a lot of things, but if there's on thing she despised the most is how ridiculous goal, and dreams are. She thinks her uncle is crazy for thinking her could achieve this stupid dream of his but of course she know him.

Akio and her used to call him the insane one amongst the family so this was not really a surprise.

Y/n looked at the letter. She made an oath to when she was a kid to never ever once again be connected to this specific sport, but life had to fuck it out by giving her uncle this stupid suggestion.

She sighed.

'im just there to supervised right...as long as I don't play then I think it'll be alright,'

Akio came into the kitchen. "So you got the letter too?" Y/n sighed and nods as a reply. "What's your letter about?" She asked.

"He's asking me to join and play in that stupid program of his...," Akio answered in frustration. "What about you?" He asked again. "Well I was just told to supervise..."

"You going to say yes nonetheless?" He looked at you with a raised brow. "As long as I don't play than I'm okay with it,"

"Alright...I'll say yes I guess. But..,"
He hesitated to continue and Y/n knew why. "Just say it,"

"Why do I have to go in this program? I don't even like soccer/football and I was forced to play by our parents anyways so answer why the hell do I have to go?" He groaned.

Y/n chuckled at her brother's complaining. "Well I can't answer that maybe you can ask ego tommorow when we see that bastard yeah?"

Little did Y/n know...going to blue lock was going to be her biggest regret, because this is ego jinpachi we're talking about...he of course has to have some twisted plan to make her play.

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