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Waking up the next morning, Kim felt like burying her head back in her pillow, she had practically made a fool of herself in front of the man she loved. Seriously Kim you just had to say those words.

"What words?" she heard.

Great now you're hearing his voice in your head. It's official Kimberly Niles, you've completely lost your mind.

"You do know that I'm right here" Olsen said putting his hand on his hip.

Kim shot up from her bed. "I didn't see you there"

"That's because you were busy talking to yourself and might I add you look incredibly sexy just doing that" he said with a wicked smile on his face as he got closer

Kim gulped as he closed the distance, she didn't move because she was basically trapped and as the man who made her heart a hundred times faster got closer, all she could think of was how good he smelled or how beautiful yes beautiful he looked with wet hair, his sandy blonde hair looked darker and his green eyes more alive now. He leaned in, he was going to kiss her. Kim's eyes widened knowing that she had just woken up and hadn't brushed her teeth.

She quickly held her hand up. "I need to um.... I need to pee?" it ended up sounding like a question.

"Is that a statement or a question?" he asked. His breath smelled like mint and berries.

Ignoring him she ran to the bathroom locking herself in and looked at herself in the mirror, she had nasty bed hair, dark circles under her eyes, her skin looked pale, nothing she wasn't used to seeing every morning but this was different , Olsen was in the next room. she quickly brushed her teeth, tried to do justice to her hair before she walked out. He wasn't in the room when she got out.

"Boo!!!!" Olsen's deep voice rang up from her back as his fingers poked her side. Kim's scream was enough to break glassed as she instinctively grabbed the nearest object and threw at him. The remote control hit his left eyebrow. "Oww" he yelped touching the bleeding spot

"You scared me, I'm so sorry"

"At least I now know never to do that especially if you're in a kitchen with a knife, that wouldn't end well for both of us" he said as she sat him down before going back to her bathroom to get a towel and some warm water. Standing in front of him she began to clean his little cut with a bit too much concern.

Olsen looked at the woman in front of him and couldn't help but feel awe for her, he loved the way her eyebrows creased when she was concentrating but with that expression, her beautiful gray eyes managed to stay soft with concern and if he didn't know better, he would have thought he saw love in her eyes. His eyes trailed down her body, she was still in a silk night dress that had a slit to her mid thigh, her breast were well supported and her curvy hips were pronounced, this dress did do her justice. He let his hands grip her hips softly to get her attention.

"Olsen, what are you doing?" she asked looking down at him. He gave her a sheepish smile before resting his head on her stomach, pulling her closer.

"Just a minute, I just want to stay here for a while" he said breathing calmly breathing her beautiful scent. Kim let her fingers run through his hair. After what seemed like an eternity, Olsen finally looked up with his usual smile. " Let's go out, get dressed" he said leaving Kim a bit dazed and confused.

She had her bath and got dressed into yellow sun dress, she let her down, she wasn't in the mood for a make up so she left her face bare. Olsen was waiting by a white sports car. He was wearing white pants, a sky blue dress shirt with the sleeves neatly rolled up, fine brown and very expensive looking shoes, and a nice white and brown straw hat. He was playing with his phone till she was in front of him.

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