Chapter 1: If I Can Make It There...

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I woke with a start. My heart pounding I rushed to the crib where he slept. He had woken up again.
"Hush Gustave I fed you an hour ago." I told him affectionately and frustrated. Erik moved in the bed and rose himself to one arm and looked at me. "Don't worry, he's just hungry I'm shore he's alright." Erik tried to help me. I fed him for god knows how long and he liked the sound of the waves. It made him fall asleep faster than my singing.

He was only eight months old. Eight months since I caused a scandal and ran away from my wedding to marry Erik. We fled to America because he was a wanted man in France. It was hard for him to leave his beloved opera house. But we left and got married our second day in America. About a month later I found out I was pregnant. Erik wanted to go to America because he was interested in a place called Coney Island where people with disabilities or "freaks" could live and work for him. Madame Giry had been a huge help with the press and investors. Erik was known to people of America as Mr Destler since no one knew his last name. I would always be Christine Daaé so I did not change my name. Erik no longer had to hide but if the press saw the mask and a picture was printed all over the world France would recognize the mask and he would be sent back to trail and possibly behind bars or hanged himself. I was frightened everyday that someone would find out. The birth of our son helped me forget my worries as my child became my only and first priority. As I put him back to bed with his teddy bear next to him and blew out a candle I held in my hand to look at him closely I smiled. I crawled back in to the warm comfortable bed next to my husband who I loved dearly. I did not think it was possible. But I did. So I came back and I would do it again.
Erik is not a bad person. He is a tragic person who bad things have happened to. But he is alive. Safe and well next to me. We live here in New York where everything is possible. We made it here and now we will make it. I closed my eyes and sighed peacefully knowing there is nothing left to hurt us.

Oh how wrong I was....

Alwaysजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें