Chapter 4:Tonight For Me

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A few years passed. We worked hard. Made sure our son because our first priority and grew into a fine young boy. Phantasma was becoming everything I dreamed it would be. I could hear the children's laughter on the rides the smell of sweets and for Gustave everything was a playground. His childhood was happy. Christine was happy to and she would go anywhere with me.

One day at breakfast she got a letter from Paris. "It's Raoul, he's getting married...she's 18."
"Really? At his age? Is'nt that illegal?" I said sarcastically. So the idiot has finally given up. "Stop it he is just..."

"Darling he is two years older than you are that makes him 30."

"Does age really matter when love conquers all?" I smiled as I wiped my mouth and left to my office. "Not for us darling now let's get started with our day." She hesitated but followed. "You don't wish it was you instead of her do you?"

"No of course not" said Christine a little to unconvincingly.

The night was perfect. We celebrated 10 years. 10 years of Phantasma and 10 years for being married and Gustave's 10th birthday all in one week.
I have never been so happy.

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