Nineteen - First of Many Self-defense Lessons

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Emmi's POV:

My dad took Brooks out for a father/son bonding day, so the house was quiet. My mom was reading in the den while I paced in my workout attire, black leggings that sat just below my large scar on my stomach and a hot pink sports bra with black trim, nervous as hell with how today was going to go. It not like I wasn't in shape, but it was the fact that I would be in close contact with Maddox and he'd probably be shirtless. My body heated up just thinking about it and my mom must have noticed, since she chuckled and closed her book.

"Emmi, relax. You'll be okay." She looked me up and down with a smile. "Don't let your dad know you're in that when you're working with Maddox. He might lose a gasket."

"What's his issue with Maddox anyway, mom? He was fine a few months ago with him. What changed?" I asked, throwing my hair up in a high pony.

"Well, when we were on the business trip, we had an argument with one of my investors. Your dad stood his ground, but he mentioned something that didn't sit right with your dad. That's when he started to be on weird terms with Maddox. Your father just needs to get to know him better and watches how he treats you. He'll get there. Just be patient." My mom explained.

I nodded and went to the kitchen to grab my water bottle. I was heavily debating on putting a shirt on, since I hadn't shown my stomach in a while. The last time I had, especially to a boy, it didn't go well. I sighed, giving in and ran upstairs to grab a tank top to cover myself up. When I heard the doorbell, I ran back downstairs but my mom had already answered it. I turned to face the living room and my tank slipped out from my hand landing in a puddle of fabric on the carpet. My breath caught in my throat and that's when he noticed I was in the room.

His black basketball shorts rode low on his hips and his wide strapped tank top hugged every muscle he had on his torso. But, his backwards baseball cap did me in. I just about melted into the carpet until I was snapped out of my daze from Maddox's calm tone. "Emmi?"

"Hi!" I yelled a little loud like an idiot. He raised his brows and I watched him look me up and down. His stare stopped at my scar and his face hardened for a moment. I took my chance and bolted to the first floor bathroom.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I yell hi like an idiot? It's that damn hat! And his muscles. Okay, it's all of him! I screamed in my head as I held onto the sink staring at myself in the mirror. "I should not be feeling like this so damn fast. Not after what Zach did. Should I? What does all of this mean?" I groaned.

There was a knock on the door and I heard my moms voice on the other side. I told her she could come in and she opened the door, stepping inside and sitting on the toilet. "Honey, what's wrong?"

I looked at her and began to pace again. "Feelings have surfaced that I didn't think would so soon. Not after what Zach did. I don't know what to do, mom."

"Sweetheart, these new found feelings, does Maddox know of them?"

I blushed, "Kind of..."

"Do they consist of intimate thoughts?"

I choked on my saliva, "Mom!"

She chuckled, "It's common with someone you love, dear. I still have them of your father and I."

"Oh God, mom. Just stop talking. Please!" I begged.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop. But honey, you feel safe with Maddox, yes?" I nodded as my cheeks heated up more. "Then it's okay to let yourself have those thoughts and feelings about Maddox. If you feel like you're ready to act on those feelings, make sure to be safe."

"'s okay to have these feelings even though Zach hurt me a few months ago.'s not too soon?" I asked, nervously.

My mom smiled with a nod, pulled me into a hug, "Sweetheart, there is no timeline on feelings and thoughts. It just means that you are moving on from the traumatic past you had with a person who you feel safe with." She ran her fingers through my hair, "Don't hold your feelings inside, okay? Let yourself feel how you feel and communicate them with Maddox."

II. Body Of Iron (Unedited) ❌️ ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now