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Warnings: discussion of physical assault, discussion of sexual assault,

The week passed quickly, filled with discussions with Yoongi's lawyer, and before you knew it, it was the day of the trial. You arrived at the courthouse early, sitting outside on a bench as you waited for the lawyer to get there. It was the beginnings of a beautiful day, slightly warm for the beginning of February and clear blue skies.

Beside you on the bench, Yoongi was radiating nervous energy. He couldn't stop fidgeting, and his tail, though draped across your lap, was twitching and shaking. His gaze was focused straight ahead, his copper eyes watching the people walking past with little interest. You could hear a soft purr stuttering in his throat as he attempted to soothe himself.

You so desperately wanted to hold his hand or wrap an arm around his shoulders to comfort him, but you couldn't. The lawyer had advised you against public affection before the hearing. She didn't want anything to affect how the judge viewed your relationship with Yoongi, and it was better to be safe.

It wasn't long before the lawyer appeared in the courtyard, her short hair ever so slightly windblown. Both of you stood to greet her. Her long peacoat hung open, and she clutched a briefcase in her left hand. She took a second to adjust her glasses and readjust her blazer before smiling at the two of you.

"Mr. Min!" she said cheerily, reaching out to shake Yoongi's hand. "Big day! Are you excited?"

"I feel like I'm going to vomit," he replied flatly, smoothing out his sweater.

"Well, hopefully this will be over soon, and we can all go home happy." Ms. Hwang smiled, placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder and steering him toward the courthouse. "You'll have to sit in the gallery, but you can sit right behind our well," she said, speaking over her shoulder at you.

You nodded. She had explained all this to you earlier in the week. It was better optics to have Yoongi appear independent. Not having you there made him seem more confident in his position. It was a stronger argument to ask for entire independence than it was to request emancipation only for him to go right into another ownership contract. You understood all of that, but it didn't mean you weren't slightly annoyed to be pushed to the background.

But it was all in Yoongi's best interest, so you said nothing and let it go.

You were separated from them just outside of the courtroom, Ms. Hwang and Yoongi moved off to the side and up a set of stairs to the lounge for waiting plaintiffs. As soon as you were able, you entered the courtroom, snagging a seat towards the front just behind the bar. There was one case before Yoongi's that you had to sit through, but it wasn't supposed to take too long.


You hadn't been nervous until Yoongi stood to take the witness stand. None of the information he was sharing was new to you, but hearing him tell everything to Jess and hearing him describe his life to a judge and a room full of people was more stressful. Seungri was there--he was required to be--and seeing him walk into the room with his lawyer had left an acrid taste in your mouth.

At Ms. Hwang's prompting, Yoongi explained everything to the judge. He described how Seungri had adopted him from his mother when he was very young, how he had been required to do chores for Seungri, how if he made even the smallest mistake, he would be punished. Your heart broke again listening to him detail Seungri breaking his piano and why his purr stuttered the way that it did. And you clenched your jaw when Yoongi told the judge about Seungri's "friends" coming to call once he was of age.

Not for the first time, you were struck by how strong Yoongi was. He had been through so much, and come so far since you had taken him in. You weren't sure you would ever stop getting emotional when you thought about his life up until last April, but there he was, sitting in front of a judge, describing everything he had experienced with a straight face. Every once in a while, he would glance at you, and you understood the look in his eyes almost immediately. He refused to cry, refused to get emotional as he answered the judge's questions. He wouldn't give Seungri the satisfaction.

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