Chapter Two

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The first rays of morning sunlight delicately filtered through the windows, painting a warm, golden hue across the chamber. Baelon, nestled amidst the grand embrace of his large bed, stirred restlessly, his body yearning for a comfortable position amidst the lavish covers. He shifted, seeking comfort in the softness of the pillows and the plushness of the mattress. As he lay there, basking in the gentle glow of the rising sun, a sense of laziness washed over him, tempting him to linger within the cocoon of warmth and tranquility.

The events of the previous day lingered in Baelon's thoughts as he shifted restlessly in the plush confines of his bed. Lord Walter Whent, obedient to Baelon's summons, had dutifully guided him through the labyrinthine halls of Harrenhal, leading him to the presence of his father, the King.

Upon their reunion, Aerys Targaryen, the Mad King, had received his second son with open arms, a fervent embrace tinged with a palpable excitement that coursed through his veins. The King's eyes gleamed with unabashed joy, reveling in the presence of his favorite child, the embodiment of his dreams and aspirations.

In those fleeting moments of reunion, Baelon had caught a glimpse of his younger brother Viserys, a boy whose tender age had not yet freed him from their father's watchful gaze. A nod of acknowledgment passed between the siblings. When he asked about his mother, his father only said that she was indisposed. Baelon did not ask about his eldest brother though for he had no desire to be subjected to Rhaegar's melancholy and introspection.

The murmurs of the awakening castle seeped through the chamber walls, carrying the echoes of bustling servants and distant calls of duty. Yet, Baelon remained steadfast in his resolve to resist the morning's pull.

As the sunlight danced across the ornate patterns adorning the chamber's walls, casting intricate shadows upon the lavish furnishings, Baelon succumbed to the temptation to linger in bed a little longer. But grew frustrated when he found that sleep evaded him.

A deep, guttural groan escaped Baelon's lips as he begrudgingly rose up from his bed. His mind, clouded by a haze of sleep deprivation and frustration, immediately fixated on his brother and his offspring—those vexing reminders of his own troubled existence. It seemed Rhaegar had taken it upon himself to occupy a room on the same floor, and for some reason his brother liked having his daughter and wife in the same room as him. As if their mere presence granted him solace and comfort.

Baelon's scowl deepened as he recalled the incessant disruptions that had plagued his sleep. The high-pitched cries of his niece reverberated through the walls, penetrating his ears with an unrelenting intensity. The proximity of their chambers accentuated the shrill wails, making it seem as though the infant were wailing directly into his ear. On the brink of surrendering to his mounting irritation, Baelon had contemplated storming into the neighboring room, determined to silence the disturbance himself. However, before he could act upon his impulse, the cries abruptly ceased, replaced by the delicate strains of a harp, emitting a soft, melodic lullaby.

The bitterness etched on Baelon's face remained, his annoyance unassuaged by the substitution of wailing for the delicate melodies that now permeated the air. While he would have much preferred the solace of uninterrupted sleep, the harmony of the harp strings proved to be far more tolerable than the piercing cries of his niece.

After a few short moments of lounging on his bed, he started to, begrudgingly, get ready for the day.

"Prince Baelon" he heard the familiar voice of the famed Sword of the Morning from just outside his door. "May I come in?" the knight asked.

"Arthur," he said unenthusiastically. Out of the Kingsguard, Arthur was probably the most tolerable. Barristan was such a self-righteous bore and the other one, Whent, was a right prick. Arthur was better company than his sworn brothers but he still wasn't someone Baelon would willingly spend time with.

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