Chapter 3

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He wanted to say somethig but she already went ito the house.He followed her to her sisiters room and saw that her sister was beaten ad how Sofie was packing her sisters thigs he only then realised what she meant by what she said a few moments ago.His eyes were filled with rage and he had a murder look.

When Sofia saw the look he had on his face she stopped him by grabbing his arm and ad said to him with tears in her eyes"please don't do this here".

He looked at her with love and pity and grabbed her and hugged her so tight it felt like she couldn't breathe but she felt more save than she ever did anywhere else.They were like that for a few miutes and then she pulled away and said"Can she come with me Please?"

He nodded his head and for the first time he saw her smile and it felt like he would want her to smile forever .He saw how she struggled to pick Anna up so he moved her out of the way,pickedAnna up and walked to the car.In the car he buckled Anna's seatbelt and got ito the drivers seat he saw that Sofie was starig out of the widow and didn't have her seatbelt on.

When he reached to put the seatbelt on and she flinched ant put her hands infront of her face.He slowly removed her hands took her face i his big hads looked her in the eye and said"I am not him do you hear me I would never ever hurt you okay never i would rather protect you with everything i've got so please don't ever be scared of me because i WON'T do that to you "he smiled at her.

Her eyes welled up with tears and they started flowing she never flet this drawn to a man much less a mafia man she kows it is wrong but she can't help it

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