Saying Goodbye

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We walked in to an old dilapidated looking building. Anna walked quickly ahead of me down the hallway into a dimly lit room with 15-20 people huddled together and talking quietly. They didn't seem to notice me. Anna whispered something into an elderly woman's ear. She nodded quickly and said to me in a warm voice, "You can try and help darling, but if not, there are some crayons and pa-"
"I want to help," I declared.
"Okay, then have a seat," she said.
I made myself comfortable in a beanbag chair and we got started.
* * *
I didn't understand much of what what they were saying. They were just talking really fast in worried tones. After a while I got bored and opened my big fat mouth. "Er- could be of any help?"
They all froze and s l o w l y turned to look at me. A tired, wary, looking man ran a hand through his gray hair and said, "Perhaps-" He looked thoughtful. "Perhaps you can." Then he said, "We have found out that the end of the world might be sooner than a week. It might even be today.
Once again, just as I had done before, I stared at him, transfixed with horror. Finally I said, "What are we going to do then?"
But by then nobody was listening to me, but they were looking at the tv. The news was on and there were more reports. Bad reports. Explorers had gone to Antarctica to find the progress of the ice caps, but a day later they disappeared. Suddenly the tv switched off and nobody had the remote. Everyone got very worried. Something flickered and the lights went out.
"Aahhhhhhhhh!" I heard screams and an explosion from outside.
Then we were knee deep in water. I wasn't paying attention to anything around me now. My whole life flashed through my mind. My school, my friends, my sister, and my parents. Then I realized I had screamed at my mother before. I would never see her again. I would never see any of them again. The water was up to my chest now. I looked over at my sister, who was swimming toward me. We looked at each other, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. I hugged her. " I'll see you on the other side," I whispered.
Then it was blackness. I knew I would never see the light of day again. I felt myself falling,almost floating, down, down, down. Then I was gone.

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