Chapter 2

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I pulled up to the hotel valet and stepped out of my silver BMW. I handed the keys to one of the young guys working there, who promptly dropped them because he was too busy staring at my breast. I rolled my eyes and walked into the hotel to the front desk, where I asked the concierge where I could find the Paradise Hills High School Reunion. He directed me to the elevators, saying it was on the second floor and to the right in one of the large ballrooms. I thanked him and headed towards the elevator, getting it to myself.

I was grateful for the moment alone as I took a few deep breaths to prevent myself from hyperventilating. Despite all my bravado I showed my mom, I was nervous as all hell for my high school reunion. Usually, most people are really excited to see all their old classmates, and I was, except for one. But like I told Mom, his likelihood of being there was slim. I just couldn't see him fitting something so basic in his busy schedule.

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. I stepped out and followed the hallway, where I could hear the music playing. As I got closer, I saw a table right it of the doors where people were being checked in. When I got in front of it, I realized that it was some of the teachers sitting there. Two of them were new, and I didn't recognize them, but one sitting there immediately made me smile.

Mrs. Simmons seemed to take a minute to recognize me, but when she did, she said, "Kiera Rollins is that you?" I said, "Hi, Mrs. Simmon; yes, it's me. How have you been?" She stood and walked around the table, saying, "Don't go being all formal with me now, sweetie; come over here and give me a hug." I reached her and hugged her tightly. Her smell of peppermints and white diamonds was immediately recognizable, not having changed in ten years. I said, "I'm so glad to see you; it's been so long." She said, "Feels like forever; you graduated and disappeared, never even coming to visit us." I grinned awkwardly, not wanting to go into why I disappeared after graduation, and said, "I've missed you so much." She said, "I've missed you too; what have you been doing with your life?"

"I work in real estate now. I joined a firm soon after graduating college, and business is going great." She said, "I imagine everyone wants homes here in California." I said, "It is a very popular spot, which has been excellent for me." She said, "I am so proud of you, baby. I'm glad you are doing well. What about that boy you used to run around with, that handsome young man? Is he still around? You two were so cute." My smile slipped just a little bit as I said, "No, unfortunately, that didn't work out." She said, "That's unfortunate; you two were so good for each other. If I'm not mistaken, you were voted Cutest Couple, weren't you?"

Beyond ready to switch topics and move on, I said, "Yes, but Ms. Simmons, I'm about to go ahead and head inside; I've been monopolizing you, and I know you're busy. Here, let me take your number. I'd love to catch up." She quickly gave it to me, and we agreed to meet for coffee during the upcoming weeks, and I moved on. I stopped at the coat check right before heading inside, and then I walked in, ready for nostalgia to hit.

Barely a minute in, I heard a high-pitched voice scream, "Kiera!" I turned, and a huge smile crossed my face. Heading towards me was my high school best friend, Seraphina. She rushed over and grabbed me up in a huge hug. I laughed and returned it. She stepped back, still holding my arms as she looked me over. "Damn, girl! You look so good. All that ass and titties, you keep getting thick; what you been doing, girl?" I laughed from a deep place and said, "I couldn't even tell you, girl."

I looked her over and said, "You look damn good yourself." She had always been an attractive girl. She was a little taller than me, standing at 5'8. She was slightly on the slim side with small breasts and average hips and butt. But what she didn't have in body, she made up in face. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had soft blemish free and damn near perfect skin. Her features were angular yet soft, and her eyes were a brilliant shade of green. She was mixed half Black, half Irish, giving her beautiful earth-toned skin. Odd, but it came out cute.

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