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It was 8:45 PM; my mother called my name from downstairs. "Charlotte!"

I stumbled downstairs to the kitchen and realized my mother was at work.

Whoever had just called my name was not my mother. I started quietly but quickly walking back up the stairs, praying to God that whatever was down there wouldn't come to find me. As I walked up the stairs, I heard thumping — fast thumping — coming towards the stairs. I started frantically thinking of what I should do.

I ran to my room and closed the door behind me, locking it, making sure the thing coming wouldn't be able to come in. I pushed my dresser near the door, sweating profusely, trying to find a way out. As I reluctantly looked around my room for an escape, I spotted my window wide open. I packed up a few things and climbed out my window quietly.

After I climbed out the window, terrified of what would have happened if I hadn't, I walked towards my front yard — that's when I saw it.

It was a tall, slim being with pitch-black eyes. I was frozen in fear as it examined me. I panted as it stood there, towering over me. I woke up gasping for air. I took a glance at my alarm clock — it was 8:45 PM. That's when I heard it — my mother called my name. "Charlotte!"

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