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Joon wakes up to his grandma smiling lovingly at him and messing with his hair.
"Good morning honey, it's time to get ready for school."  Joon smiles and touches his grandmothers hand that rests on his left cheek.

"Good morning halmoni, I'll be up don't worry."his voice was raspy and he tried to blink away his tiredness.

The lady noded and gets up from his bed before walking out the door.

Joon gets up and stretches before going to the bathroom and taking a shower. After the shower he puts his uniform on and does his hair. He puts nice smelling cologne on and looks a himself in the mirror.

He winks at himself "well aren't you just a hottie" he laughs to himself but then remembers something.

The kiss...

His smile grows more and bites his lip. He loved the feeling of cheongsan lips on his.

He goes out of the bathroom and gets his backpack before going to the kitchen where his grandma is sat drinking her coffee. "Would you like some breakfast?" Joon shakes his head "no thanks halmoni, I'm not really hungry but I'll take some snacks with me for later okay?"

She nods and after he gets a bunch of snacks she kisses his forehead. "I'll be back later, I love you halmoni." He said to her with a bright smile.

She smiles back showing her wrinkles around her eyes. "You have fun honey."

He walks out of the door and starts to walk toward school. While he's walking he sees a whole bunch of students running to the entrance to not be late. He chuckles when he sees onjo carrying two back packs and instantly knows who's the other ones is.

He starts to run to catch up with the other students and starts running side by side with onjo. "Hey princess!" Onjo looks at joon at smiles "hey joonie."

After abit of running they make it to school and only joon and cheongsan pass making onjo late for school.

Onjo gives cheongsan a glare and throws his back pack on the ground making him grin.

Joon rolls his eyes playfully and nudges cheongsan shoulder "come on man give her a break." He walks to cheongsans back pack and gets it from the ground before giving it to cheongsan "I believe this belongs to you." Cheongsan takes the bag from him and nods. "She lost fair in square."

Joon laughs "your such babies." He then sees suhyeok walking so he decides to run up to suhyeok.

"Hey suhyeok!" Suhyeok smiles at joon "hey." Their conversations cut short when joon sees the bully gwi nam and his gang with two of the other students, eunji and chul soo.

Joon gives a confused look to suhyeok who also noticed the group. "We should go check out what they're doing." Su hyeok nods agreeing and they start following the group to an construction building.

When the two walk in su hyeok stays behind but joon walks in fully feeling rage build up inside him for what he sees.

'"what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

All three of the bullies look up and the leader smirks "well well well if it isn't pretty boy, whatcha doing here baby?" Joon rolls his eyes and scoffs "I'm not your "baby" you fucking prick. Now delete the video or else I'll kill you."

The boys laugh and gwi nam walks over to joon "ah you're going to hurt us hmm? Who said I wouldn't like that from you?" That caught su hyeoks attention so he comes out and stands beside joon like his body guard.

'just do as he says and no one gets hurt." The leader walks up to the two and stands inches away from joons face. "If you're going to hurt me then go ahead, I'm not stopping you." Joon doesn't do anything but glares. After a few moments of just glaring he walks up to eunji and takes off his uniform shirt and white button up, only leaving him in his black muscle shirt.

Joons body wasn't nothing to built but it was enough to make anyone dream for.
All the other boys watching feel heat rise to their cheeks from the sight. He bends down in front of the poor girl and lifts her head up, smiling brightly. "They can't hurt you now eunji, I won't let them." She doesn't say anything just looks in joons eyes crying heavily.

She puts her head in joons neck and he whispers in her ear to calm her down. "I'm going to have to get you dressed in my uniform because your buttons have been tore off your uniform." He looks at the buttons on the ground and she nods. "Do you give me permission to help dress you?"

She blushes for a moment but nods once more. Joon looks behind him at the boys then turns back to eunji and helping her stand up. She turns her around to where her back is showing to the boys and joon helps her get her dressed.

Unlike any other boy that would probably look at her bare chest he was looking at her eyes the whole time gently smiling. She would shiver slightly every time his finger tips would gaze over her skin.

After 2 more minutes she was finally dressed and the uniform was quite big on her making him laugh. "I'm really sorry for how big the uniform is and how much it reeks of my cologne."

She shakes her head quickly "no-no.... It's ok." She whispers. He nods his head and pats her head. "Alright it's time to get to class."

He turns to chul soo and chul soo puts his head down thinking joon was going to hurt him. Joon walks up to him and pats his cheek making the boy blush. "Come on you to chul soo." Chul soo nods slowly and follows joon,suhyeok, and eunji out of the building.

Before they can walk for though gwi nam speaks up. "You looked very sexy in this video eunji, ohhhh and joonie baby you look even more delicious without that uniform."

Joon stops walking and turns around to gwi nam before pinning him to the wall. "Watch what you say gwi nam otherwise it won't be pretty of what I'll do to you." Gwi nam laughs and fake moans "please do."

Joon stays silent for a second but moves back abit. 'what cat got your tongue, oh and by the way I'm sure eun ji mother would love to see the video we got of her daughter. Don't you think joon?" 

Joon can hear a slight gasp come from eunji and joon feels his grip tighten on gwi nam. Gwi nam goes to joons ear and nibbles slightly before whispering "you wouldn't like that would you? To have her humiliated in front of her mother."

Joon chuckles and su hyeok grabs joons waist,pulling him back. "That's enough gwi nam, just delete the fucking video and leave people alone." They all start to walk away but eunji stays. Joon looks at her with sympathy. "Come on princess he's not worth it." She nods feeling like joons words mean something true.

They all start walking to class and joon drops chul soo and eunji at science. "Keep my uniform until tomorrow." She nods and everyone from the science class even in the hallways look at ha joon with shocked and flustered faces.

He leaves with su hyeok and they both get to their class.

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