Not The Only One

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"Freak !" 

"Get off you, monster!" 

"Get away from him before he does something to you." 

"You killed my son!" 

Kevin suddenly woke up with a heavy pant. The last sentence of his nightmare made his heart beat faster. It's not the first time either, but enough to make both of his hands tremble. Kevin closes his eyes and tries to breathe normally. He sees his hand with pure hatred before finally getting off the bed and getting ready for hell—he means school. 

So this is Kevin, the second son of the Moonstone family. A well-known family owns a big company and a private mansion far from the city crowd. Living in an elite community is not as good as you think. For Kevin, it's just pure ego to put up the best faces you have in public. His parents—let's not talk about them.

Today is Monday, the most unwanted day in Kevin's life. Why? Because he has to go to school and bear with all the stuff for the next 4 days.After getting himself clean, he wears his uniform and his black jacket before silently walking outside to his mansion and walking to school. Don't ask him why such a rich son has to walk to school, where the luxury car goes? The owner doesn't know how to turn on the engine, perhaps. 

When Kevin arrives at school, the first thing he does is hide his hand in his jacket pocket, wear the hood, and walk as silently as possible to his class. 

"Please be good for today," Kevin mumbles when he's on his way to the class. 

When he arrived, he was welcomed with many side eyes and mumbles from his classmates, all of them talking about him. 

"Stttt, the monster arrives; back off." 

"I hope he skips class today so I won't see his ugly face." 

"That freak still dares to show up, huh?" 

Kevin has good hearing; he heard all of it; from scared to hatred to annoyed tone, all of it sounded like a morning podcast to him.He couldn't care less. Kevin nonchalantly sat on his desk full of graffiti. No, it's not Kevin's drawing, but his classmate. Freak, monster, you better die, get away, f*ck off, and many other words were craved on his desk. Kevin chose to put his head on the desk and sleep peacefully before the class started. 

Some hours later, after a long session of boring history class, break finally came. Kevin rushed out of the classroom. Too slow, his bullies—let's call him Ezra—hold his hand and, without notice, punch Kevin, making the side of his mouth bleed. 

"That's what you deserve, you little piece of shit," mocked Ezra with his cocky smirk, feeling superior after hitting Kevin. Not feeling enough because of Kevin's reaction, Ezra continued the hitting session with his gang. 

After the play, Ezra left Kevin as if nothing had happened in that class. Kevin groans in pain and forces himself to run as fast as he can, ignoring the pain, to the abandoned library at the back of the school, Kevin's most comforting place in the meantime. 

"Thank goodness!" Kevin sighs before sliding to the floor beside the bookcase because his legs have weakened. Kevin is panting and hissing in pain, yet he enjoys the loneliness for a moment before lazily gesturing his hand, like calling someone. Then a book magically flew to him. Kevin wipes the book with his hand and coughs a little after because of the dust. "Oh man, how long have you stayed here untouched?" That's his greeting before Kevin sits there, reading the book for many hours later. 

While Kevin was reading the book, he heard a sound that made Kevin, in reflex, make the book fly to make a wall surround him immediately. Kevin hides himself and stays cautious.On the other side, a girl with short navy hair pokes her head to see Kevin, who's behind the wall of books. 

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