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Ishita was standing with Geetika in the waiting area while Abhimanyu and Hardik were managing the tickets and the passport formalities. "I am surprised your parents allowed for you to come along" Ishita said. "Me too" Geetika says chuckling "But you know, Abhimanyu bhaiya has a very good reputation in front of everyone. He is like the mature one" she says and Ishita nods, learning new found information about her husband.

Just then Hardik opened the door of the waiting room and enters inside to see them both chatting "Bhabhi, Geet, we are ready to board" he says and they both nods, standing up and walking out of the room, towards the checking area.

They got through easily and boarded the plan without any problems. Abhimanyu joined a little later and Ishita frowns "Where were you??" She asks as he sits beside her "Ah I was meeting with the piolet, sub piolet actually..turns out he is my old college friend" he says and Ishita makes an "O" shape of her face "Okay" she says taking out her magazine to read. Geetika and Hardik were settled in their seats as well.

Abhimanyu stretched his legs and covered his body with the blanket provided by the airlines. He put his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Ishita looks at him and strokes his hair "What's wrong?" She asks him and he just sighs, getting more cozy inside the blanket. "Nothing, I just love being with you" he says and she chuckles.

"Aww" she says pulling his cheeks but he pushes her hand away. "Come on my macho man" she says, pinching his nose and he made a face. She chuckles and goes back to reading the magazine. It had really interesting recipes. She if for sure going to make some.


They finally reached Aspen!! It was almost night, the sun was setting so the sky had shades of orange and yellow. Little hints of pink too, the city light were lit, makin the snow shine. The drive took them from the aiport to their cabin. Abhimanyu opened the cabin, it was cleaned and had groceries worth for a week, just as instructed.

They enter inside and turn the lights on. It was Geetika and Ishita's first time so they were quite excited to explore the city and the cabin too! Laksh had showed them the pics so they knew their way around. Dumping their husband/boyfriend, they went to look around the cabin. Abhimanyu shook his head and picked up his and Ishita's bags, dragging them to their room while Hardik took his and Geetika's bag towards his room.

Abhimanyu stopped him "Woah woah woah hold up" he says to Hardik and he turns out raising his eyebrows "What happened" he says seriously "Geet's parents sent her here under my supervision so I am not going to let you both sleep in the same bedroom" he says keeping his hands on his hips.

At the same moment, Ishita and Geetika entered from the other side of the corridor "What is happening here??" Ishita asks and Hardik turns to her "Bhai is being a obstacle in my love life that's what" he says complaining and both the ladies frown "What happened bhaiya?" Geetika asks.

"Oh nothing, he is being dramatic. I just told him that you and him won't be sleeping in the same room" he says and the ladies gasped. "Why" it was Ishita this time.

"What do you mean why? I don't want them indulging in any sexual intercourse before marriage'' Abhimanyu says and Ishita shook her head "Common, stop being so old fashioned''
She says and he shakes his head "No means no" he says "Alright what makes you think we wouldn't have done it already?" Hardik says and Geetika pulls on his arm. He gave her a reassuring look.

Abhimanyu frowns and folds his arms to his chest "You are joking right?" He says and Hardik shrugs "Who knows?" Hardik says. Abhimanyu chuckles "I don't care, but not under my roof, not until you both are married" Abhimanyu says and Ishita rolls her eyes.

"Oh bhaiya please. As if you were a virgin when you got married" Geetika says a little frustrated. Every attention was on Abhimanyu now "Were you?" Ishita asked and he is scared now, but he puts on a brave front.

"Well we can discuss in private" he quietly says to Ishita and she gave him a look "I know you weren't'' Hardik says and Abhimanyu frowns, turning towards him "What! Who told you!?" He asks and Hardik makes a funny face.

"Everyone in the college knew" he says flinging his arms "You were literally a heartthrob back in college and high school'' Hardik says and Ishita looks at him with glares. He shakes his head looking at Ishita "Isha it was before mom and dad told me about us and the agreement between our families, I swear I didn't even look any other women after mom told me about you" he says in a soft voice, as if trying to gain apathy.

Ishita turned around and went inside the room. Abhimanyu groans and looks at Hardik "Thanks dude" he says sarcastically and Hardik gave him a thumbs up with a cheeky smile. Abhimanyu sighs, opening the door to their room and locks it behind him.

Hardik chuckles and pulls Geetika towards him, kissing her forehead "Now we can stay in the same room" he says and Geetika shakes her head, hitting his chest lightly. "You are so evil'' she says and he nods him head "Uh huh" he says in a playful tone while pulling her inside the room and locking the door.

Inside Ishita and Abhimanyu's room Ishita had started arranging their clothes in the closet. Abhimanyu enters inside and walks up to her, seeing him approaching her, Ishita took out her pajamas and walked in the washroom to change. She comes out holding her previous clothes and sees Abhimanyu sitting on the bed.

He stood up seeing her, she looks down and walks toward their suitcases. Abhimanyu stood in her way "Wait. I don't want to ruin this vacation over a small fight. I am sorry okay?? But it's not like I ever touched a girl or even had a relationship with any after mom told me about you and I, I stayed loyal" he says with puppy eyes but Ishita wasn't looking.

"It's alright I guess. It's not like you were bound or anything, you had the freedom and you didn't want to save yourself for.. someone special..for me" she says fidgeting her finger. Abhimanyu sighs "I am so sorry, please please forgive me" he says and takes her arms, putting them on his shoulder and holding her waist.

Ishita chuckles "It's fine, I was kidding. It's your choice after all" she says and he shows her his give toothy smile and leans in to kiss her. She pushes him away, ducking her head and getting out of his hold "However.." she starts and he groans "...I don't feel like having sex, today..or tomorrow or the day after that" she says and Abhimanyu gasps.

"No no no noooo don't do that to me please'' he says joining his hands and squeezing them together. Ishita smiles "what?? I am not doing anything to you" she says and he begs her again and again and again.

Our Ishita can be chakal too😼

She loves messsing with him!

Thanks for reading<33

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