Don't leave!

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After some time they were taking him back to living room
Tae fainted
Everyone- TAE
Chanyeol- Bring water fast!
Jungkook ran to bring water
Jungkook- Hyung here
While handing the glass of water

Tae was lying on the bed
Chanyeol- I can't understand what happened to him suddenly?
Yoongi- yeah
Baekhyun- wait! I saw him drinking coffee today
Chanyeol- WHAT
Sehun- Why didn't you stopped him?
Jin- it's ok Sehun- ah after all if this *points at Tae* grown up man can't remember that he is allergic from coffee so how could Baekhyun who is just a kid could remember it
Sehun- hmm
Chanyeol- Chen you know where I keep my medical kit right?
Chen- yeah hyung
Chanyeol- so you and Sehun go fast there and bring my medical kit
Sehun+ Chen- ok hyung
They went to Chanyeol & Chen's
Chanyeol- ok so let's not waste time
Jungkook- now he will not drink my banana milk anymore.
Chanyeol- he is not allergic to banana milk he is allergic to coffee

Hyuka- *To Jungkook* Stupid
Jungkook- You are stupid
Taehyun- Enough
Chanyeol- Jin you remember how to make that soup?
Tae- I will not drink that soup *making weird faces*
Yoongi- Shut your mouth, ok? *angry*
Tae nods his head like a kid being scared
Yoongi- good
Jin- *to Chanyeol* Yeah I remember how to make it and I am going to make it
Hobi- and you Taehyung don't you dare to throw any tantrums while having that soup *warns*
Tae- ok
Namjoon- hope that you stay stick to your words
As it was getting late TXT & Blackpink went to their home as already had their food when they were out
Sehun & Chen soon came back with medical kit and other stuff asked by Chanyeol.

After some time
Chanyeol treated him. Chanyeol & Chen went back to their home.

Next day
Tae woke up, did his morning routine and got ready for the school.
Tae- Wow! I woke up early today. I am proud on my self
He went out of his room
Tae's Pov
I was going downstairs and I saw these two brats sleeping yet. Don't they wanna to go to the school? Let me go and wake them up.
End of Pov
He went inside Baekhyun's room
Tae- Wake up kids!
Yn- *pulling the blanket* Why?
Tae- Don't you guys wanna go to school?
Baekhyun- Are you serious hyung? It's holiday
Tae- for what?
Said hile crossing hands on his chest
Hobi came inside while rubbing his eyes
Hobi- Why are you shouting Tae?
Tae- hyung look these kids are sleeping yet. Wait did you just wake up?
Hobi- Yes all thanks to you
Tae- so go fast and get ready
Hobi- for what? *confused*
Tae- obviously for going to school
Hobi- stupid did you just forgot there is 2 weeks holiday
Tae- wait what!?
Yn+ Baekhyun- yeah, Now go sleep yourself too and let us sleep too
Hobi- I am also going to sleep
Tae- then let me also go to sleep
Yn+ Baekhyun- so go, what are you waiting for?
Tae went to sleep too

After some hours
Yn- oppa
Namjoon- yes
Yn- when will my room get ready?
Namjoon- only 10 days ynie
Yn- You call it only?
Sehun- Yeah hyung how could you say that?

a/n- Sorry we forgot to tell that the room in which yn is living right now is not her room. Her room is getting ready so she is living in that room untill her room gets ready.

Namjoon- Ok ok but you need to wait for 10 days
Yn- Yeah yeah. I have waited for so long so this 10 days is nothing now
Namjoon- yeah
Jin- And one thing yn just tell if you need any more stuff to be added in your room?
Yn- no oppa
Jin- ok

After a while
Yn- Baekhyun~ah is it necessary for you to go and that also for an whole 1 week?
Baekhyun- even I don't wanna go yn~ah
Namjoon- look guys you know that it's related to uncle- aunt's work right?
Yn- Baekhyun- hmm
Sehun- So Baekhyun are you ready as we have to go after 2 hours
Baekhyun- yeah hyung I am ready
Jin- good
After sometime Baekhyun went and yn was editing a video for her YouTube channel.

In yn's gaming room
Yn- Finally! I have completed the editing!
Wait WHAT?
Y/n's POV
I opened my YT channel and saw that my channel page was blank, like non of videos were showing up.
It was HACKED. Like seriously what on the earth is even happening? Let me
call Baekhyun first
Called Baekhyun

Baekhyun- Hello, what happened girl?
Yn- B-Baekhyun *cracked voice*
Baekhyun- What happened y/n-ie *worried*
Yn- m- my YT channel got hacked
Baekhyun- What? You are pranking right?
Y/n- no I am not I can show you through facetime too
Baekhyun- no I believe you yn-ah. Don't cry ok
Y/n- I am not crying
Baekhyun- I am doing face time hmm?
Yn- ok

They did a face time
*During face time*
Baekhyun- Ok so first with the help the following steps given by YouTube let's try to get your account back
Yn- hmm
They did all the things which are told by YouTube to do if someone's channel gets hacked
Jin- y/n-ah come downstairs for the dinner fast *from downstairs*
Y/n- Coming oppa
She said from room her gaming room only

In dinning room
Jungkook- What happened y/n-ie?
Yn snapped out of her thought
Y/n- huh?
Jimin- yeah why are looking so sad?
Y/n- no I am not sad *hiding her sadness behind smile*
Yoongi- I don't think so
Y/n- no seriously why will I be sad?
Jin- look y/n if you have any problem you can share it with us. If you are comfortable
Y/N- no oppa I really don't have any problem
Hobi- ok if you say so
Namjoon- so let's have our dinner now
Tae- yeah
They had their dinner

After dinner in yn's bedroom
Yn's POV
Seriously this day was really bad first Baekhyun went to U.S for whole 1 week and then my channel got hacked too. I am having mixed emotions of anger,
frustration and sadness right now. So I just thought to do my homework which I got for this 2 weeks holiday
Y/n- Aah how to do this sum?
She pulled her hairs in frustration

After some time
Y/N- yeah! Finally I understood how to do it! I am so smart
Flips her imaginary hair as she has short hairs as she is a tomboy
I am so sorry for such a late update. I will surely try to be more active from now on

My Teacher BrothersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ