Chapter 1

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2:07 the clock read on my Chemistry teacher's ( mrs. Martin ) classroom wall. I hated chemistry, but the best part about it was that I sat next to my ombré haired best friend; Tori Miller. Tori had blue eyes, stylish clothing, perfect smile/lips, and a perfect body. We also had some things in common like: rebels, tomboys, stylish, nice, caring, fun, outgoing, hilarious, and always happy.. sometimes.

I glanced over at Tori. while mrs. Martin turned her head to face the white board, I grabbed my phone out from my backpack and began to send Tori a quick text.

Hey 3 more minutes till it's the weekend! I texted her.

Tori, who was paying attention to mrs. Martin's lesson, put her hands in her Jean pockets and grabbed her phone out from her pocket jeans.

A moment later she replied:

(S= Skylar , T= Tori )

T- yassss but why are u texting me in class?
S- cuz I feel like it

Mrs Martin turned her head around and looked at my classmates.
"Jade. answer the question." mrs Martin commanded.

Jade Dawson was a bad girl and a goth. Jade was drawing in her notebook and she sat right in front of me so I could see it. She looked up at mrs. Martin.
"Um... why?" She retorted.

Mrs. Martin snorted.
"Because I said so." she shot back.

I turned my head around and looked at the time now. 1:09.

"Just answer it Jade!" A few boys next to Tori said.
Mrs Martin gave Jade a look and walked back to the board.

T- mrs Martin almost caught me!
S- No she didn't. she was talking to Jade.

Before Tori could reply the bell rang and everyone shouted and ran out the classroom. I was planning on meeting Wyatt Andrews in the hallways, once school ended. Wyatt and I have been good friends since the school year. He was my crush, and hopefully one day he'd tell me those three words.

"Where's Wyatt?" Tori asked as we walked out of the classroom.
"He said he'd meet me right after the dismissal bell." I shrugged.
Tori and I glanced around the hallways everywhere to find Wyatt but no sign.

"I'll just kik him." I suggested, taking out my phone.

( S= Skylar, w= Wyatt)

S- Where are u?
W- I'm talking to Aria rn outside. Come outside.

Aria jones.... my worst enemy.
Not only is she flirting with my crush, she has done worse things than that! Aria and I used to be friends in sixth grade. But than, she began talking crap about me behind my back. saying that I still pee in my pants and that she was paid to be friends with me.... which was all a LIE. And there's more! In eighth grade, Aria "accidentally" tripped me in the middle school cafeteria, causing me to fall and have all my lunch spilled all over me! In tenth grade I was having a party and she decided to have a party too except, when my pizza came for the party it had a medicine that made you barf, so all the guests were having bad diarrhea and barfing all over my house. Aria also copies everything! She copies my Instagram captions, bios, my clothing style, my locker decoration, my room decoration, my hair style, and she's just flirting with my crush just to get me jealous. sadly, Aria found out from one of her friends that I liked Wyatt... not sure how they did but they planned to tell everyone in school about it tomorrow....I don't know what I did to Aria but whatever... she's gonna ask for revenge some day...

Anyways, Tori noticed my facial expression.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Wyatt is talking to Aria." I muttered.
"Come on, let's go see Wyatt still and make Aria jealous..." Tori smirked at me.

She toke my hand and we ran outside the school, finding Wyatt.
Wyatt was sitting on one of the picnic tables talking to Aria, who was with her annoying friends sitting next to him. Anger filled my body and I clenched my fists.
I'm so done with her! She's ruined my live ever since sixth grade!

I calmed myself down and walked over to Wyatt with a fake smiled on my face.
"Hey Wyatt!" I waved at him.
Wyatt looked up and saw me waving. he smiled and waved back.
"Hey Skylar! Come sit down."

I glanced at Tori and gave her a look but quickly I sat down on the other side of Wyatt and smiled.
Aria and her friends glared at me and clenched their fists. I gave them a death look and made a what-are-you-looking-at?! Face.

Wyatt looked at both me and Aria.
"Skylar, you know Aria, right?" Wyatt said breaking the silence.
"Yea yea. " I mumbled.
"I'm gonna go. bye Wyatt." Aria gestured her friends to come walk away with her.

"What did you wanna talk about? I have a volleyball game in a few, so can you hurry up?" I shrugged, hoping he would say those three words.
"Not sure." Wyatt sighed.
Wyatt immediately lit up , his eyes widened.
"I have something to tell you..." he said.

My heart beat fast and I had butterflies in my stomach. Tori's eyes widened and she gave me a smirk.
"Promise not to tell anyone but Tori. yet." Wyatt commanded.
"Yeah uh yeah promise." I startled.

This may be the day, Skylar.

"So, I like Aria and I'm thinking I should ask her to be my girlfriend tonight. What do you think?" Wyatt continued, smiling.

My heart felt like it shattered in a million pieces and tears welled up in my eyes.
"I u-uh gotta g-go." I choked out as I began to run from Wyatt and Tori.

"Hey Skylar wait up!" Tori and Wyatt both yelled, chasing after me.

This wasn't! My crush likes my enemy! Ugh. I hate this. I hate my life. why? why now? my year has been so great? This has literally been the worst day ever! And worse I have a game today for volleyball! Ugh. why God? Why?! Aria is so not worth it. arghhhhh.

tears fell down my checks as I grabbed my bike and ride back home. Tori and Wyatt were gaining on me so I had to pedal fast.

Why now? Why today? I loved Wyatt and now he loves someone else. well great. I'm happy for him now. I'm done loving someone who doesn't love me.


Poor Skylar! it would be sad if that happened to me. Anyways, tune in for the next chapter! Hopefully this can get a few views or more! The story is bad so far but I promise it will get better guys

Oh and p.s :
Here's some more stories you can read that I have written:
• slaying walkers (book 1)
• the one Chandler Riggs fan fiction

I don't have much stories because I don't have a big imagination but whatever. I try so hard to thing of stories😬 it's a struggle😂

Bye loves! Let's get some views.😂

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